Here are the updates and notes for League of Legends Patch 10.11

The new Volibear is finally here.

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If you’re an ADC fanatic and you’re sick and tired of being ganked left, right, and center, the latest League of Legends patch will put a smile on your face.

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Riot Games is addressing the ADC role in Patch 10.11, buffing marksman champions across the board. General balance changes are also on the cards, with tweaks to champions like Fiddlesticks, Lux, and more.

The newly-reworked Volibear is making his debut, too. He’ll be entering Summoner’s Rift shortly.

Here are the notes and updates for League of Legends Patch 10.11



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The new and improved Volibear is finally here.

Passive – The Relentless Storm

  • Volibear’s attacks and abilities grant attack speed, and eventually cause his basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage to nearby enemies.

Q – Thundering Smash

  • Volibear gains speed towards enemies, stunning and damaging the first one he attacks.

W – Frenzied Maul

  • Volibear damages an enemy, applying on-hit effects and marking them. Casting this spell again on the same target deals bonus damage and heals Volibear.

E – Sky Splitter

  • Volibear summons a lightning bolt at a location, dealing damage and slowing enemies while granting Volibear a shield if he’s inside the blast radius.

R – Stormbringer

  • Volibear leaps to a target location, slowing and damaging enemies beneath him while gaining bonus health. Enemy towers near his landing location become temporarily disabled.


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Passive – A harmless Scarecrow

  • Time before effigy posing: One second to two seconds

Q – Terrify

  • [New]: Fiddlesticks’ abilities now Terrify enemies if cast while he’s posing as an effigy.

W – Bountiful Harvest

  • Minion damage reduction: 60 percent to 40 percent


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Attack speed ratio: 0.658 to 0.69

E – Powder Key

  • Bugfix: Gangplank’s barrels no longer stack bonus Sheen damage when chained.


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Q – End of the Line

  • First shot damage ratio: 1.0 bonus attack damage to 0.8 bonus attack damage


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Q – Rampage

  • Base damage: 55/95/135/175/215 to 60/102/144/186/228
  • Minion damage reduction: 33.3 percent to 40 percent


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W – Zephyr

  • Base damage: 55/90/125/160/195 to 55/85/115/145/175


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Q – Icathian Rain

  • Damage ratio: 0.35 bonus attack damage to 0.4 bonus attack damage

R – Killer Instinct

  • Range: 1,500/2,000/2,500 to 1,500/2,250/3,000


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E – Lucent Singularity

  • Slow linger: 0.25 seconds to one second


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E – Scatter the Weak

  • Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 seconds to 18/17/16/15/14 seconds


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Q – Noxian Diplomacy

  • Cost: 30 mana to 40 mana
  • Heal on kill: 20 to 71 (levels 1-18) to 10 to 70 (level 1-18)

Marksman changes

“The marksman class has major durability problems, especially in the early laning phase where their power feels heavily reliant on their supports,” Riot said. “This has been causing issues in gameplay satisfaction since a marksman’s strength relies on the length of time they’re alive. By increasing their mobility (via items) and base health, we feel that ADCs won’t be punished so aggressively when they fail and will still have a chance to bounce back and unlock their power in fights.”

Each champion listed below gets a similar base stats boost in their health and health growth.


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  • Base health: 500 to 530
  • Base health growth: 86 to 88


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  • Base health: 539 to 570
  • Base health growth: 85 to 85


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  • Base health: 481 to 510
  • Base health growth: 91 to 93


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  • Base health: 574 to 605
  • Base health growth: 88 to 90


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  • Base health: 500 to 530
  • Base health growth: 86 to 88


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  • Base health: 556 to 585
  • Base health growth: 91 to 93


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  • Base health: 500 to 530
  • Base health growth: 86 to 88


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  • Base health: 500 to 530
  • Base health growth: 86 to 88


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  • Base health: 500 to 530
  • Base health growth: 86 to 88

Miss Fortune

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  • Base health: 500 to 530
  • Base health growth: 86 to 88


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  • Base health: 500 to 530
  • Base health growth: 86 to 88


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  • Base health: 500 to 530
  • Base health growth: 86 to 88


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  • Base health: 500 to 530
  • Base health growth: 86 to 88


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  • Base health: 500 to 530
  • Base health growth: 86 to 88

The following champs are getting more specific buffs due to their ability and play rate in solo lanes.


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Passive – Lightslinger

  • Lightslinger second shot critical strike: 75 percent to 100 percent
  • Lightslinger bugfix: Fixed a bug where Lightslinger basic attacks would not fire if the target became out of range.


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W – Sentinel

  • Sentinel soul-marked bonus magic damage: 10/12/14/16/18 percent of target’s max health to 14/15/16/17/18 percent of target’s max health
  • Sentinel cost: 20 mana to no mana


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Q – Tumble

  • Tumble basic attack bonus damage: 50/55/60/65/70 percent of total attack damage to 60/65/70/75/80 percent of total attack damage


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  • Base attack speed ratio: 0.656 to 0.679



  • Movement speed: Five percent to seven percent

Phantom Dancer

  • Movement speed: Five percent to seven percent

Rapid Firecannon

  • Movement speed: Five percent to seven percent

Statikk Shiv

  • Movement speed: Five percent to seven percent

Runaan’s Hurricane

  • Movement speed: Seven percent to nine percent

Champion VFX updates


Q – Noxious Blast

  • Updated the smoke particles on her base skin to more accurately stay within the actual range of the ability.

E – Twin Fang

  • Enemy champions that are Poisoned will have a fang icon over their head to indicate that they will receive bonus damage from it.

R – Petrifying Gaze

  • Updated on all skins with a decal at the edge of her hitbox, more clearly showing the area affected.

ARAM balance changes

10.11 buffs

  • Jarvan IV: Fixed a bug where his -5 percent damage taken buff was not applying.
  • Riven: +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken to +5 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken.
  • Yorick: -5 percent damage dealt and +5 percent damage taken to -5 percent damage dealt.

10.11 nerfs

  • Galio: +5 percent damage taken to -5 percent damage dealt and +5 percent damage taken.
  • Lissandra: Normal to -5 percent damage dealt.
  • Teemo: -10 percent damage dealt and +7 percent damage taken to -10 percent damage dealt and +10 percent damage taken.
  • Varus: Normal to -5 percent damage dealt.
  • Ziggs: -15 percent damage dealt and +10 percent damage taken to -15 percent damage dealt and +15 percent damage taken.

URF balance changes

10.11 buffs

  • Fiddlesticks: +5 damage dealt, -5 percent damage taken, and +10 percent healing to +10 percent damage dealt, -10 percent damage taken, and +10 percent healing.
  • Fiora: -10 percent damage dealt and -5 percent healing to -5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent healing.
  • Heimerdinger: -10 percent damage dealt to -5 percent damage dealt.
  • Janna: 100 percent increased Q cooldown to Normal.
  • Pantheon: +5 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken to +10 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken.
  • Quinn: +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken to +5 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken.
  • Rumble: -10 percent damage dealt and -10 percent shielding to -10 percent damage dealt.
  • Sona: -5 percent healing, -5 percent shielding to Normal.
  • Tahm Kench: +25 percent damage dealt, -25 percent damage taken, +10 percent healing, +10 percent shielding to +30 percent damage dealt, -30 percent damage taken, +10 percent healing, and +10 percent shielding.
  • Thresh: +10 percent damage dealt and -15 percent damage taken to +15 percent damage dealt and -15 percent damage taken.
  • Vayne: Normal to -5 percent damage taken.
  • Xayah: -10 percent damage dealt to -5 percent damage dealt.

10.11 nerfs

  • Akali: +15 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken to+10% damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken.
  • Camille: +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken to -5 percent damage taken.
  • Ivern: -5 percent damage taken to Normal.
  • Kassadin: +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken to -5 percent damage taken.
  • Lucian: +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken to -5 percent damage taken.
  • Maokai: -5 percent damage dealt, +5 percent damage taken, and 0 percent healing to -10 percent damage dealt +5 percent damage taken, and -10 percent healing.
  • Ornn: +15 percent damage dealt and -15 percent damage taken to +10 percent damage dealt and -15 percent damage taken.
  • Qiyana: +5 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken to +5 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken.
  • Sett: +10 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken to +5 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken.
  • Shaco: -12 percent damage dealt and + 10 percent damage taken to -15 percent damage dealt and +10 percent damage taken.
  • Taliyah: +15 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken to +10 percent damage dealt and -5 percent damage taken.
  • Udyr: +10 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken to +5 percent damage dealt and -10 percent damage taken.
  • Volibear (Rework): -5 percent damage dealt and +5 percent damage taken to Normal.
  • Yuumi: -20 percent damage dealt, -30 percent healing, and 25 percent increased E cooldown to -20 percent damage dealt, -30 percent healing, and 100 percent increased E cooldown.
  • Zac: -5 percent damage taken to Normal.

Bug fixes

  • Jhin’s Passive – Whisper fourth shot can no longer be canceled versus minions and monsters.
  • Jhin will no longer auto-target enemies and monsters with his fourth shot when idle.
  • Players demoting out of Master will now always land in Diamond I with 75 LP.
  • Fixed a bug where newly acquired Clash Banners frames were not showing up in-game or in the Profile tab.
  • Sylas now properly gains bonus attack speed from Passive – Petricite Burst when holding Jax’s Grandmaster’s Might via R – Hijack.
  • Fixed a bug where Sylas would not deal damage to all enemies with a stolen Karthus ultimate (R – Requiem).
  • Singed is no longer able to use E – Fling while Suppressed from Warwick’s R – Infinite Duress.
  • Malzahar’s E – Malefic Visions’s debuff now properly spreads onto the closest target even after killing zombie Sion during the ability’s effect.
  • Aatrox will properly heal from Passive – Deathbringer Stance or E – Umbral Dash when attacking an enemy Malphite with Passive – Granite Shield.
  • Gragas is no longer able to stun enemies that are reasonably apart from each other by casting E – Body Slam through a wall on one target and then Flashing onto the other.
  • Lissandra’s Frozen Thralls will no longer count as allies and take a portion of her Turret Plating gold if they are nearby.
  • When a player is executed by a neutral damage source (minions, monsters, turrets, etc.), they will no longer get the early game death Homeguards.

Upcoming skins and chromas


  • Astronaut Poppy
  • Astronaut Gnar
  • Astronaut Bard


  • Astronaut Poppy
  • Astronaut Bard
  • Astronaut Teemo
  • Astronaut Gnar
  • Astronautilus
  • Grey Warwick
  • Medieval Twitch
Image of Jerome Heath
Jerome Heath
Senior editor at Dot Esports. Jerome has been in and around the gaming industry for the last eight years, and he's not going anywhere anytime soon.