LoL community tired of seeing Riot add more champions to this old skin line

Is it time to put an end to the eternal fight between order and chaos?

Image via Riot Games

Riot Games revealed new skins coming to League of Legends twice in a single day, but if the first reveal hyped the players, the second received a lot of criticism in just one hour since its announcement. Six years after its first reveal, the Dawnbringer vs. Nightbringer skin line is still attracting new champions to its ranks, but League players seem to find the move stagnating.

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“Locked in a battle that must never be won,” cites the description of the video showcasing Dawnbringer Vayne and Rekton alongside Nightbringer Jarvan IV and Nasus. But the quote goes against League players’ first reaction, who ask that these skins bring an end to the eternal battle. To put it simply, they think it’s time the Dawnbringer vs. Nightbrighter skin line retires

Bland,” “uninspired,” and “cheap copy” of other skins that these champions already have are just a few reactions of the community to the new skins added to the 2017 theme. For some, the “formulaic theme releases just don’t deliver anymore” and the “missed opportunity” of turning some champions to the dark side seems to have dealt the final blow. 

“I usually liked Nightbringer and Dawnbringer, but these are all starting to look the same and the choices are also a bit disappointing, Vayne already has Arclight and Nasus Infernal…the skins aren’t bad but I honestly wouldn’t buy them” said a player on Reddit, channeling the majority of feelings and reaction the League community had to the reveal of the four new skins. 

The opposing feeling seems to be concentrated around the graphics effects of Nightbringer Nasus’ recall, who attracted a lot of positive reaction as well as various comparisons to the champion’s Infernal skin. With the addition to the Nightbringer vs. Dawnbringer skin line, the Curator of the Sands finally shares a skin line with his ascended brother Renekton for the first time since the Galactic skins were released in 2011. But only time—and Riot—will tell if players enjoyed the reunion in the Nightbringer vs. Dawnbringer alternative universe.

Image of Cecilia Ciocchetti
Cecilia Ciocchetti
Freelance writer mainly focusing on the League of Legends and VALORANT esports scenes. Sometimes at events interviewing professionals of the scene, from players to the talented people working behind the curtains. You can reach out to me via Twitter.