The LCS now has its own official Twitter account

Does this mean we'll get more spicy memes in the North America?

Photo via Riot Games
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For most of 2019, the LCS has been outshone by the LEC in its content strategy. While Europe pumps out hype videos and rap battles, the LCS production has been comparatively lackluster.

But that could all change now with the introduction of the LCS’ own official Twitter account.

For years, global esports have been handled through one LoL Esports account. But really, the emphasis for that account was typically the English-speaking audience, and that meant most of the content was from North American and Europe.

But now that the two leagues have become separate franchised entities with new names, it made sense to start rebranding each as its own product. This also means that an official LEC account is probably on its way.

Starting the account with a Keanu Reeves picture is an interesting decision, but it’s better than the staid stuff we’ve seen from North America lately. Many NA fans hope this is a sign of better things to come from League’s predominant “for-fun” region.

Image of Xing Li
Xing Li
Xing has been covering League of Legends esports since 2015. He loves when teams successfully bait Baron, hates tank metas, and is always down for creative support picks—AP Malphite, anybody?