Best supports to play with Smolder in League of Legends

Sizzle and burn.

Smolder's base splash art.
Image via Riot Games

League of Legends’ newest AD carry champion Smolder might be small, but he still packs a wallop in the bottom lane. That said, he still needs a decent support to help realize his potential as a fearsome dragon of Runeterra.

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The tiny hatchling is still learning the ropes, and as a result, support players will need to be more patient as he scales into the later stages of his matches, going from a tiny spark to a ferocious inferno. Guide Smolder through the tough early moments of the game as he farms up minions and levels up before he can unleash his full power (and the power of his mom) onto his unfortunate enemies.

As you explore the revamped Summoner’s Rift and all of the new items, here are the best supports to play with Smolder in League of Legends.

Best League supports to pair with Smolder


Debonair Leona in League of Legends
An experienced warrior meets a willing student. Image via Riot Games

Since Smolder has 550 range like many other marksmen, this tiny AD carry needs to get relatively up close and personal with his enemies. As a result, the tiny dragon will need a big, strong support to soak up the damage and give him enough time to get into range. Leona has a ton of new toys at her disposal to frontline and engage on her opponents while holding a squishy target in place while Smolder blasts away his foes from behind her shield.


The official splash art of Star Guardian Rell, depicting the champion in bright white armor with large purple hair, wielding her patented lance preparing to jump at enemies.
A ferocious charge with a headstrong flame. Image via Riot Games

In a similar vein, Rell can set up Smolder really well with her crowd control abilities while also staying in front of the squishy dragonling so he can dish out some fire at their opponents. Smolder actually has the third-lowest base health of any ADC in the game, which means that if a team is able to dive on him early, they can set his stacking behind and render him useless while he struggles to catch up.


lulu's base skin in league of legends. she has a little fairy by her side and she's holding a staff
Purple and red, in tandem. Image via Riot Games

Since Smolder needs to stack up and scale into the mid-to-late game, having a champion with some decent poke, great peel, and good utility spells can be essential for his success. Lulu has plenty of shields, movement speed boosts, poke, and a great ultimate ability for when our little guy gets into a bit of trouble with a gank or three.


Woman wielding a large gun set in a colorful world in League of Legends
Two fierce teammates, ready for battle. Image via Riot Games

Senna and Smolder scale infinitely, but the amount of damage this combo can dish out together could be destructive. In the early game, she has incredible amounts of poke that she can pressure the enemy bottom lane with, along with some good healing with her Piercing Darkness ability. She can also help Smolder escape if need be, whether it’s with a well-placed Last Embrace or a quick Curse of the Black Mist to render him invisible.


Woman floating in the air levitating a green sword beside her in League of Legends
Guiding wind for a young dragon. Image via Riot Games

If you’re looking for an easy support to pair with Smolder, Janna is great for a ton of reasons. She has plenty of peel with her Howling Gale, she can slow down incoming enemies with her Zephyr, and she can even shield Smolder during a tough gank to keep him alive long enough to peel back to safety. The fledgling dragon has pretty small legs, but Janna’s Tailwind passive will allow him to get back into lane a lot faster, giving him a chance to keep stacking his passive for earlier power scaling. If all else fails, she can blast away enemies with her ultimate ability so that Smolder can gather his wits and fire back. This Infernal Storm can’t be beaten if placed in the right hands.

Image of Tyler Esguerra
Tyler Esguerra
Lead League of Legends writer for Dot Esports. Forever an LCS supporter, AD carry main, with more than five years in the industry. Sometimes I like clicking heads in Call of Duty or VALORANT. Creator of the Critical Strike Podcast.