These are the best League solo queue champions to climb out of Silver

Here are some of the most optimal champs to help with your LoL climb.

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Silver ELO is a dangerous place for League of Legends players. With enough time and mastery of a focused champion pool, though, any competitor can escape to Gold and claim their Victorious skin for the season. 

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The best way to climb out of Silver (or any rank for that matter) is to develop a pool of champions that you’re comfortable with and stick with them throughout the course of a ranked season. Playing too many games on champions that you’re uncomfortable with could result in an array of losses that add up at the end of the season. If you’re going to lose, at least do it with a champion you’re going to main for the foreseeable future so that you can get some practice out of it. 

It’s best not to rely on “flavor of the month” champions who could be good for a few patches at most before getting nerfed out of relevancy. To climb out of any given rank during a season, you’ll want to find champions who can always bring value to a team composition through their inherent abilities and synergies with other popular picks. 

Every position has a variety of champions who can assist you in ranking up. Here are the ones that can help you climb out of Silver with the least amount of legwork. 

Best League solo queue champions to escape Silver

Top: Darius

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It’s totally up to you if you’d prefer to play a bruiser or a tank, but if you’re looking for an almost-always-relevant champion who can fill both roles effectively, you won’t have to look much further than Darius. Almost every League player ranked Iron-Gold can recount a horror story or two about a Darius player who completely dominated the laning phase and walked down from top lane to make the game unfun for the other four opponents they were facing. If Darius gets ahead in the early game, he can very quickly snowball his lead out of control. And luckily, Darius has plenty of one-vs-one potential, even before he picks up Noxian Guillotine (R) at level six. 

Jungle: Zac

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Zac is one of the most straightforward, easy-to-master champions for aspiring junglers. His relatively quick clear speed, long-lasting durability, and long-distance engage abilities make him a dependable choice when it comes to farming, ganking, and teamfighting. In most mid-to-late-game situations, Zac players can use Elastic Slingshot (E) to start a teamfight and never look back. The champion is simple (and tanky) enough that you can press all your buttons in the midst of a teamfight, run over all of the health globs you spawn on the ground via Cell Division (P), and live through most cases of sustained damage. 

Mid: Lux

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Lux is one of the most dependable champions in the game at the mid lane position, especially for players looking to climb the ranked ladder quickly. With two forms of crowd control, a reliable shield, and some of the most potent burst damage in the game, Lux has a well-rounded kit that can fit into any team comp. 

Related: Best League champions to climb out of Gold

AD Carry: Xayah

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When trying to rank up as an ADC, the most prominent goal on your mind should be earning more gold than the other ADC. Whether you accomplish that goal through minions, champions kills, or towers, it doesn’t really matter—the point is that you need to outscale your opponent quickly. And while many ADCs play similarly, Xayah is one of the best when it comes to bursting down waves, winning skirmishes, and clearing turrets (as well as their plates). Plus, if things go sideways during a two-vs-two or teamfight, Xayah’s ultimate, Featherstorm, acts as a reliable panic button for players looking to back off and rethink their decisions. With both strong burst and sustained damage, Xayah is a go-to choice at ADC that is almost always relevant in the meta. 

Support: Amumu

Amumu wearing his Infernal skin.
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Nothing says “we’re going in” quite like a Bandage Toss (Q) / Curse of the Sad Mummy (R) directly into the other team’s back line. With Amumu, you can directly control the flow of a game by going all-in on the enemy team whenever you feel like it. If you feel like all of your solo queue games are being won or lost in the teamfight department, Amumu can give you the engage and frontline tankiness needed to win most skirmishes. 

Image of Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly
Staff Writer covering World of Warcraft and League of Legends, among others. Mike's been with Dot since 2020, and has been covering esports since 2018.