All Infection Free Zone console commands and cheats

There are many ways you can spoil the fun, or improve it.

The Infection Free Zone map with adapted buildings and squads inside cars.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

Infection Free Zone features over 60 console commands, many of which are cheats that allow you to bypass the usual gameplay restrictions. I recommend using them if you’re looking for a more casual and sandbox-style experience with countless hordes and massive squads in war tanks.

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How to use Infection Free Zone console commands and cheats

The Infection Free Zone console open at the top of a window during a match.
How the console looks like. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

To start using console commands in Infection Free Zone, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the game and start any match.
  2. Press “`” on your keyboard. This will open the console.
    • If you’re using a keyboard layout that allows the use of ` as an accent mark, type any vowel after you open the console, then delete it. Otherwise, the console will keep closing whenever you try to type a command.
  3. Write EnableCheats to start using cheats.
  4. Write any cheat from the table below.

All Infection Free Zone console commands and what they do

To use the commands below, type the command in the Command column. If the game has a set of predefined variables you must use, it will offer them to you in a list, so you can simply click the one you want. That’s the case with SpawnBigSquadAtCursor, for example. Otherwise, if you’re typing everything in, you must add a space between the command and the variable for it to work and add space between multiple variables for commands that support them. Some of these commands may break your game, so use them with caution and preferably in a game save you don’t care about losing or corrupting.

Spawn and character commands

CommandHow the command worksExample
SpawnBigSquadAtCursorSpawns a 15-person squad where you click on the map. Right-click to stopNone – Spawns squad without a vehicle.
ve_bus – Spawns a bus with a squad.
SpawnGroupAtCursorSpawns a specified group of allies or enemies on click in the amounts specified.inf_dog 4 – Spawns four infected dogs.
army 16 – Spawns a neutral army of 16 people.
SpawnGroupInBuildingSpawns a specified group of allies or enemies on click ìnside a building.immigrants 6 – Spawns six immigrants on the chosen building.
SpawnGroupsAtExpeditionSpawns a specified group of allies or enemies on an expeditionbandits 4 4 – spawns four groups of four bandits.
SpawnHordeAtSpawns a horde at your current location. Doesn’t work.No variables.
SpawnImmigrantsSpawns immigrants around the map at random.No variables.
SpawnImmigrantsAcceptAccept immigrants spotted around the map.No variables.
SpawnSquadAtSpawns a four-person squad at specified coordinates.Unknown. Use SpawnSquadAtCursor or SpawnBigSquadAtCursor instead.
SpawnSquadAtCursorSpawns a specified group inside a vehicle of any size, with weapons or not, on click.None – Spawns without vehicles.
ve_sedan – Spawns with a car.
SpawnSquadAtLatLonSpawns a four-person squad at specified Latitude and Longitude.Unknown. Use SpawnSquadAtCursor or SpawnBigSquadAtCursor instead.
SpawnVehicleSpawns an empty vehicle on click.ve_pickup – Spawns a pickup truck.
SpawnVehicleGroupAtCursorSpawns a specified group inside a vehicle, of any size, with weapons or not, on click.inf_human ve_combi 2 None – Spawns two infected humans inside a combi with no guns.

Changes the HP of all Squad members to any desired value999999 – Sets HP to 999,999.
AddWorkersToHqAdds the specified number of workers to your HQ.20 – 20 workers
KillAllGroupsKills all characters that are part of any SquadNo variables.
KillWorkerKills all characters with jobsNo variables.

Resources commands

CommandHow the command worksExample
AddResourcesToBuildingAdds specified resource to building in the amount specified on click. Limited to building capacityres_wood 100 – Adds 100 wood
res_food_rations 25 – Adds 25 food
AddResourcesToHqAdds specified resource directly to HQ. Limited to building capacityres_wood 100 – Adds 100 wood
res_food_rations 25 – Adds 25 food
AddScientificMaterialsAdds Scientific Materials to spend in the Research Panel equal to the specified amount.65 – Adds 65 Scientific Materials
AddWeatherForecastPointsIncreases how far in advance you can get a weather forecast.30 – 30 points
CreateResourceCursorCreates the specified resource in the specified amounts, on the ground, upon click. Right-click to stop.res_fuel 40 – Adds 40 fuel.
DestroyResourceCursorDestroys resources on the ground on clickNo variables.
RemoveResourcesFromHqRemoves the specified resource in a specified amount from your HQ.res_basic_tool 5 – removes 5 basic tools from HQ.
ScavengeAllBuildingsReveals all resources you can get from buildings in the current 3×3 playable zone.No variables.
ScavengeAllExpeditionsReveals all resources from active expeditions beyond the 3×3 playable zone.No variables.

Buildings and map commands

CommandHow the command worksExample
AdaptBuildingTransforms an abandoned building into a specific one on click.bld_hospital – Adapts building into a Hospital on click.
none – Stops adapting on click.
AddResearchProgressPointsSpeeds up your active Research in the Research Panel.10 – Speeds up roughly 40 minutes.
CreateFarmlandTriggers the farmland building action on click.bld_farm – Build one plot of land.
CreateGateTriggers the gate-building action on click.bld_metal_gate – Builds a metal gate.
CreateWallTriggers the wall-building action on click.bld_fortified_wall – Stats building fortified walls.
ShowVehiclesShows all vehicles on the mapNo variables.
ShowAllGroupsShows all squads on the map.No variables.
UnlockAllExpeditionTilesUnlocks areas beyond the 3×3 playing area to let Squads go on expeditions for extra resources.No variables.
UnlockContentUnlocks buildings and resources on your game panels.bld_fortified_gates – Lets you build fortified gates
UnlockResearchTypeUnlocks a specific type of research from your Research Panel. Currently not working. Use AddScientificMaterials instead to progress manually.tech_med – Unlocks all Medicine tech.
StartWeatherFogAdds or removes weather fog, not war fog, on the map.false – removes fog
true – adds fog
SwitchFogOfWarChanges how the fog of war works.true – normal fog of war
false – full map is always covered in fog of war.

Mission and game progression commands

CommandHow the command worksExample
AddEventToPoolTriggers an event defined by the variableUnknown.
CompleteActiveMissionsAutomatically completes missions listed on the top left of your screen.No variables.
EndMissionEnds a specific active mission with the desired outcomemission_adapt_shelter fail – Fails the Adapt Shelter mission if it’s active.
RemoveMoodModifierRemoves a specified number of mood modifiersNot working.
SetDaySets the current day based on an integer. Bugs a lot.No understandable association between integers and date.
SetHourChanges time of day. Uses 24-hour format.4 – Sets time to 4am.
17 – Sets time to 5pm.
SetTimeSpeedChanges the speed at which time passes beyond the menu limits.64 – Makes time pass 64 times faster.
StartActionStarts a specific game action.Unclear.
StartEventStarts a specific game event.event_graveyard – Triggers communications about a squad entering a graveyard.
StartMissionStarts a specific game mission.mission_unlock_farm – Adds the farm missions to the top left of your screen.
StartTransmissionStarts a specific transmission in your communications to make decisions.dilemma_abandoned_airport – Triggers communications about investigating an abandoned airport.
StartWeatherFogAdds or removes weather fog, not war fog, on the map.false – removes fog
true – adds fog

Other commands

CommandHow the command worksExample
ChangeLanguageChanges game language using language codes.en-US – United States English
pt-BR – Brazilian Portuguese
fr-FR – France French
ClearAllPlayerPrefsClear your personal preferences in settings.No variables.
ClearNavDataUnclear.No variables.
DoNotReplaceMissingTranslationToEngUnknown. Doesn’t seem to affect translations at all.No variables.
EnableCheatsLets you use cheats directly from the console.No variables.
HideFPSHides the FPS counter.No variables.
ReportBugOpens the bug reporting window.No variables.
SaveGameSaves the game in the current state.No variables.
SetBugDetectorStateUnknown.No variables.
SetFpsLimitLimits your maximum FPS. Currently not working.10 – Sets maximum FPS to 10.
SetLoggingLevelChanges how fast you gather wood.Heavy – sets logging level to heavy.
SetResolutionChanges your game resolution.1920 1080 – Sets resolution to 1920×1080.
SetSoldierHPChanges the HP of all Squad members to any desired value.999999 – Sets HP to 999,999.
SetSpawnPointVisualizationStateUnknown.True and false.
ShowFpsShows the FPS counter.No variables.
SwarmDebugUnclear.True and false.
Image of Bhernardo Viana
Bhernardo Viana
Bhernardo is senior guides writer and strategist at Dot Esports. He's been working in the gaming industry for over 9 years, with works published on Destructoid, Prima Games, ESPN, and more. A fan of Pokémon since 6 years old and an avid Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch player. Now writing strategy and quests guides for several mobile and PC titles.