Shinkansen 0: All anomalies, listed

I'll never ride the train alone again.

Human as chair anomaly in Shinkansen 0
Screenshot by Dot Esports

You need to find all Shinkansen 0 anomalies if you want to unlock all the game’s achievements and see everything this small horror experience has to offer. So, how good are you at noticing small details?

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Here is every Shinkansen 0 anomaly you need to look out for.

Shinkansen 0: All normal car anomalies

Just like Exit 8, Shinkansen 0‘s anomalies appear in no apparent order. Instead of tracking how many anomalies are left by hand, click on the green phone box in the anomaly-free zone to tell you how many anomalies are left.

You will know when you have all anomalies as an achievement pops up for fully completing the normal and green cars. There are 50 anomalies in Shinkansen 0, 25 in either car. Car seven will never have an anomaly the first time you enter.

Here are all normal car anomalies:

Closed windowsCommonAll car windows are slowly closing, so you cannot see your reflection through them.
Flooded carRareA window will break with water flooding through it. The car will slowly fill with water until you exit.
Chair textureRarePattern of the chair switches from white lines to black.
DoppelgangerRareProtagonist doppelganger that only appears through the train window reflections.
Standing suited manRareEmpty car with suited man standing up and Naoki’s sister sitting down.
Visible exteriorUncommonGrid-panelled tunnel is visible outside each window as opposed to the blacked-out
Human suitcaseRareSuitcase above Naoki’s sister transformed into a folded human.
Wrong car numberUncommonThe second car number on the floor is incorrect. Make sure to check what car you are in on the first display (when you enter the car) as this is always correct.
Hand windowUncommonHands covering the window edge.
Reclined chairsUncommonAll chairs are slightly reclined. Check if there’s a space behind the sleeping suited man.
Live posterRareThe woman is standing outside the poster in the back of the room.
Hidden manUncommonMan hiding underneath a chair in aisle 10, with only his face and arms poking out.
White eyes outsideUncommonWhite eyes glowing through the window and door. Always visible as it follows you through the car.
TunnelUncommonCar goes dark with orange light passing through it.
Chair eyesCommonThe top of the chair transforms into eyeballs.
Faces in chairsUncommonFaces appear in the head rest section on every chair.
Flipped carRareThe normal car should always have three chairs on the left and two on the right when you enter. This anomaly flips the layout.
Cat posterUncommonEyeballs on the cat can move.
Opening doorUncommonDoor opens when you’re halfway into the car and closes when you get close.
Layout and foodCommonLayout of the chairs completely change with food packages appearing everywhere.
Train destination display Rare“There is no anomaly on this car” will show after the standard train to Tokyo display.
DEATHCommon“DEATH” written on seat numbers, above Naoki’s sister.
Chair humanUncommonHuman camouflaged into a chair, on the same row as Naoki’s sister.
Suited man sitting upCommonSuited man sitting up in his chair (normally asleep).
Cleaner (not pictured)RareA can will drop behind you when you get to the middle of the car. A cleaner will emerge from the exit door and chase you (couldn’t get a screenshot…got too scared).

Shinkansen 0: All green car anomalies

Shinkansen 0 anomalies are split into two cars; the normal and green. You need to pass through both of these to get the endings. Upon reaching car zero for the first time, you are thrown into the second set, which are far more terrifying than the last. You only need to make it through 14 train cars to reach the end.

Here are all green car anomalies:

Smiling woman reflectionUncommonWomen on laptop has her reflection twisted and smiling directly at the protagonist.
LaptopCommonWoman’s laptop shows player point of view.
Nature carGuaranteedThis one took me a good minute to find. The green-eyed man rotates his head 360 degrees to follow your movement. It can be hard to pinpoint this anomaly as his hair covers his face. Look out for his piercing green eye once you enter the car.
Food trolleyUncommonBuns swapped out with red food on the trolley.
Hand lightCommonHand covering the only functioning light on the chair near the man with a green eye.
Ticket collectorRareGo to the correct aisle as announced in the overhead display. Wait until the collector passes and exits the car to go forward and submit as an anomaly.
Moving doorRareAs you approach the door it will lift up by two black gloved hands and chase you down the aisles. Go into an aisle to avoid it.
Rotating green-eyed manUncommonAn intruder is on the train. Wait inside the aisle until the screen turns black and then resumes to normalcy. Exit the train at the front to submit the anomaly.
Trolley woman watchingUncommonThe trolley woman’s head and eyes follow you as you pass her.
SInking trainCommonTrain contents begin to sink like quicksand. The passengers won’t spawn in for this anomaly.
IntruderUncommonAn intruder is on the train. Wait inside the aisle until the screen turns black and then resumes normalcy. Exit the train at the front to submit the anomaly.
Green-eyed man chaseUncommonThe green-eyed man will be the only passenger in the train. He will be standing up. If you wait a while or approach the door, he will begin chasing you.
Large peek-a-booCommonGo to the front of the train to submit an anomaly. Turn around to see the second green-eyed man peeking out from behind a chair in aisle seven.
GhostUncommonSlightly glowing humanoid figure that is translucent, appearing in aisle 14.
No trolley womanUncommonThe trolley and the hostess vanish.
Eyeless womenCommonThe laptop woman and trolley woman are eyeless.
Mini peek-a-booCommonSmaller green-eyed man peeks into the walkway and disappears after you walk past aisle 18.
Running trolley womanRareTrolley woman runs down the aisle.
Happy passengersUncommonAll passengers inside the train have a wide grin.
Red light, green lightRarePlay a game of red light, green light. Look at the display and walk backwards as the display shines green, stop walking when it turns red. The game ends when you are near the exit door.
Cloudy interiorUncommonClouds fill the inside of the train.
CakeUncommonA cake appears in an aisle.
Root legsCommonPassenger looking at the suitcase has legs made of tree roots.
Siamese twinsCommonThe green-eyed man has two heads.
Walls closing inRareWalls start closing in on you. Run back to the door and go through.
Image of Hadley Vincent
Hadley Vincent
Writer for Dot since Oct. 2023. Just a Psychology graduate trying to find the meaning of life through gaming. An enthusiast of indie horror and anime, where you'll often find them obsessing over a great narrative and even better twists that'd make M. Night jealous. Their shocking twist? They think The Last of Us II is a masterpiece.