10 Lethal Company funniest clips that prove it’s an actual meme machine

If someone tells you Lethal Company is a horror game, tell them it's actually not.

Lethal Company's Hoarding Bug shrugging on a blurry background.
Image via Lethal Company Wiki. Remix by Dot Esports.

Lethal Company delivers its fair share of laughs in just about every session, especially when you’re chilling and playing with friends. Despite being a horror game, it’s surprisingly a meme goldmine. The clips out there show that Lethal Company is the perfect blend of horror and humor.

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The funniest Lethal Company clips are a mixed bag of hilarity. You’ve got footage of the unluckiest gamers getting ambushed repeatedly by the same beast, the distracted ones blundering into traps they never saw coming, and the daring ones toeing the line between bravery and recklessness. To save myself from public shame, since I’m not a big public person, I’ll restrict myself to sharing the funny clips I found on Twitch.

“Man up!”

Facing down an eight-foot-tall Eyeless Dog lurking near your ship’s door in Lethal Company? That’s where “man up” translates to becoming dinner—with you as the main dish. It’s a classic example of what happens when bravery crosses into outright foolishness.

Making ends meet

In Lethal Company, hitting your quota is top priority—you have to feed the family, right? Sometimes, you’re just a whisker away from that goal, and it might mean making a tough call, possibly at someone else’s expense, all the while trying to stay under your crew’s radar. This clip? It’s peak roleplaying.

You’re dead, but you don’t know it yet

In Lethal Company, it’s crucial to have an escape plan. Being quick to tweak your strategy is key to survival because you never know when you’ll stumble upon a surprise monster or trap. However, there are moments when you’re simply out of options, and it hits you that you were doomed from the start. But hey, at least you can squeeze in a nervous chuckle before your run ends!

The emotional rollercoaster

Few things in Lethal Company match the thrill of cheating death. You outmaneuver a monster, slip out of the facility, dodge the Earth Leviathan, and then, for a moment, you’re like a god—but stuck collecting junk. This player was helped out of two monster ambushes back-to-back, but they weren’t prepared for the third encounter, which wasn’t just “near-death.”

You trust me, but I don’t trust myself

You can’t trust everyone in Lethal Company. Not because people are mean and don’t want to help you, but because they might not be able to help themselves. This clip shows someone whose only job was to keep standing still looking at Coil-Head, but somehow, he failed and set off a chain reaction of utter chaos.

Just a work accident

Keep focused on your job in Lethal Company: collect scrap for your corporate overlords. Sure, you’ll need and appreciate your crew’s help, but if things go wrong and they end up dying, there’s no room for mourning.

Just scoop up anything valuable from the accident and keep on grinding, even if you were the one who accidentally led them into a mine.

We just can’t have a little fun, can we?

Diving into dim basements and carrying around heavy, worthless junk in Lethal Company is a real pain. So, it’s natural to want a bit of fun now and then! But remember, Eyeless Dogs don’t know what “fun” is. They have sharp ears, especially for the sound of your super loud air horn.

He knew something

Some situations are so challenging that they leave you at a loss for words. How do you explain to a crewmate that what they’re trying to do is stupid but that there’s also nothing else to do? Or worse, should you let someone get in trouble just for a laugh? Well, some people think you should.

Too brave (or dumb) to learn from mistakes

Mistakes are supposed to make you stronger. If it’s someone else making them, you can also learn something once you see the effect of that mistake. In Lethal Company, you would suppose a person falling to their death would make their crewmates avoid that same mistake, but that’s not how it worked in this clip.


Ok, Lethal Company is funny, but it’s still a horror game. In your first few runs, I’m sure you, like me, really felt the tension in the air and had a few big jump-scares. For this player, the anxiety was so high that they tried reasoning with the monster, giving them their scrap while trying to flee.

Image of Bhernardo Viana
Bhernardo Viana
Bhernardo is senior guides writer and strategist at Dot Esports. He's been working in the gaming industry for over 9 years, with works published on Destructoid, Prima Games, ESPN, and more. A fan of Pokémon since 6 years old and an avid Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch player. Now writing strategy and quests guides for several mobile and PC titles.