A game where you literally just click a banana is one of Steam’s most played games right now and I can’t figure out why

What's going on?

just a banana
Image via aaladin66

You can never tell which games will take off on Steam, and Banana is a great example. It has a simple premise—repeatedly click a banana to raise your score—and somehow, it has over 16,000 players on Steam.

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Banana is free, which is a big pull, and offers DLC banana skins to shake things up a bit. But there isn’t any interesting gameplay here, and there isn’t a secret waiting for you after you click enough times. You’re simply clicking a banana to make your score go up, and that’s all there is to it.

As of May 22, Banana has an astonishing 16,084 concurrent Steam players, and an all-time peak of 18,562. I don’t understand how—I get that Banana is a meme, and it’s likely being shared as a joke, but the sheer number of players just sitting there, clicking a banana, waiting for something to happen, is pretty wild.

What’s even wilder is how many hours some people have been playing Banana. A quick look at the reviews section of Banana’s Steam page reveals there are players with anywhere from 20 to 150 hours in-game. Just sitting there, clicking a banana, as their score slowly rises.

This isn’t even the only banana-themed game to get a ton of love out of nowhere. Banana Shooter is also enjoying a player count surge over the last few days, and hit a peak of 16,000 players on May 21. The rise of the banana is truly upon us.

Image of Adam Newell
Adam Newell
Assigning Editor. In 2015, Adam graduated from the University of Aberystwyth with a bachelor's in Media and Communications. Working in the industry for over ten years. If it has anything to do with Nintendo and Pokémon chances are you will see me talking about it, covering, and likely not sleeping while playing it.