Helldivers 2 graphs show why Automatons are tougher to conquer than Bugs

Without unity, there is no prosperity or democracy.

A Helldivers 2 soldier fires uselessly at a heavily armored robot in Helldivers 2.
Image via Arrowhead Studios

Super Earth. Our home. Besieged on both sides by the inequities of the Automatons and the tyranny of evil bugs. Helldivers have done a great job fighting the latter, but a disunited army and a diluted frontline keep Automatons on top, new Helldivers 2 graphs have shown.

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Reddit user DoTortoisesHop shared graphs in an April 23 thread that cover how many Helldivers are participating in the defense or attack of each planet. On the Terminid side, players are more than united, with 80 percent of invading Helldivers jumping to the planet Estanu. The remaining 20 percent is spread between only two planets, making the whole frontline dense and effective. On the Automaton side, however, Helldivers are disunited and spread among 10 different planets with few forces on each, making defensive Major Orders a hell to deal with.

Graphs showing player spread in Helldivers 2.
Helldivers lack unity on the Automaton front. Image via u/DoTortoisesHop

The bulk of the Automaton-fighting Helldivers is spread on Vernen Wells and Menkent, though not in sufficient numbers. The whole frontline has been opening up recently with Automatons striking seemingly out of nowhere after being defeated on the Eastern front of the Helldivers 2‘s Galactic War. Major Orders have been issued to defend these planets at all costs, though Automatons have been gaining ground (which may be the work of developer involvement). When not enough players are defending and contributing to the overall score, planets fall easily, as has already happened several times.

In the Reddit thread, however, players seem to think the diluted frontline isn’t the primary reason behind Super Earth’s ineffectiveness in the North-East. “Bot defenses keep failing because F**K trying to escort 45 civilians out while Dropships come every three seconds. I simply do not play that mission anymore,” one citizen wrote. The escort missions are notoriously challenging against the Automatons, especially on higher difficulty levels. Automatons are generally brutal to fight against, which may be why more players choose to play against Terminids instead.

Be it all as it may, Super Earth needs your help. On both sides of the galaxy, humanity is under attack. And whether you participate as a stalwart defender against Automatons or a savage killer of Terminid bugs, you’ll be remembered as a true hero of Democracy.

Image of Andrej Barovic
Andrej Barovic
Strategic Content Writer, English Major. Been in writing for 3 years. Focused mostly on the world of gaming as a whole, with particular interest in RPGs, MOBAs, FPS, and Grand Strategies. Favorite titles include Counter-Strike, The Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Sekrio, and Kenshi. Cormac McCarthy apologetic.