Tempo Storm Wins Red Bull Team Brawl

The first Red Bull Team Brawl is over and Tempo Storm, consisting of Tang "Eloise" Haiyun, Andrey "Reynad" Yanyuk, and James "Firebat" Kostesich, triumphed over Team Liquid with a 5-1 win in the final to earn the $3,000 prize.

The first Red Bull Team Brawl is over and Tempo Storm, consisting of Tang “Eloise” Haiyun, Andrey “Reynad” Yanyuk, and James “Firebat” Kostesich, triumphed over Team Liquid with a 5-1 win in the final to earn the $3,000 prize.

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Red Bull Team Brawl was the first big event to use a sealed deck generator, meaning that each team opened 240 cards and had to build three different decks with those cards. Each team member competed against each player of the opposing team once to make an overall best of nine match. In an interesting new twist, players were able to discuss plays and strategy plans with their teammates, which led to interesting interactions with the players and more teamwork.

Although Cloud9 were the favourites for the event (due to their amazingly experienced players such as Hafu, StrifeCro and TidesOfTime), they were unlucky in the pack opening phase, as it resulted in a mediocre card pool. They subsequently lost to both Archon and Tempo Storm. The same scenario repeated itself in the Grand Final, were Tempo Storm opened much more powerful cards than Team Liquid, giving them a vast advantage in proceeding to win the event.

All in all, the event was really interesting to watch and it ran smoothly. That said, we are looking forward to seeing more events like this in the future, daring to jump out of the standard guidelines and deliver something unique.

