The ‘Hearthstone’ cheating controversy won’t die

Radu “Rdu” Dima, the 17-year-old who won the DreamHack Summer Hearthstone tournament amid allegations of cheating, is still getting heat from fellow pros

Radu “Rdu” Dima, the 17-year-old who won the DreamHack Summer Hearthstone tournament amid allegations of cheating, is still getting heat from fellow pros.

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Yesterday during a stream on Twitch, Andrey “Reyand” Yanyuk, who tied for third at the DreamHack tournament, told his fans that he thought Dima had “100 percent cheated,” at the event, citing a suspicious card that that Dima kept in his opening hand during the semifinals match the two played. Yanyuk insisted that the Dima—despite having a soundproof headset on—had heard the tournament broadcaster’s commentary through the event speakers and had kept cards based on this unfairly heard information.

Then, in a display rivaling a Wrestlemania preshow, Yanyuk challenged Dima to a best of nine match—with the stipulations that, if Yanyuk walked away victorious, Dima would have to send him the DreamHack trophy. But if he lost he’d send Dima an extra $10,000—the amount awarded for first at the tournament.

Luckily for whoever the potential loser was going to be, Reddit sleuths took their magnifying glasses to the video of the two’s match and determined that Dima had chosen what cards to keep in his opening hand before the commentary on Reynad’s hand. The cage match was called off.

In a civilized world this is where the two people would shake hands and move on. In the world of esports, however, this where you take the opportunity to throw more salt on one another’s wounds. Fans of Yanyuk took it upon themselves to use Twitch’s report feature en masse to get Dima’s Twitch channel temporarily shut down. Dima reached out to Yanyuk during his stream for some juvenile smack talk.

Yanyuk eventually apologized and his team manager released a statement to the Hearthstone community explaining their version of events. While the feud seems to have temporarily subsided, fans will eagerly await the next time these two run into one another in a tournament.

Screengrab via YouTube
