This week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is Just Macaws

Birds and Beasts everywhere.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

This week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is great if you’re an exotic bird fanatic.

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All week long in the Tavern, players will be able to test their luck at Just Macaws. As the name implies, Just Macaws is a Brawl where your deck is full of Macaws. Your deck won’t actually be just macaws, though. You’ll also have seven random class spells. That means deck building for this Brawl is as simple as choosing a class. Once you’ve done so, your seven random class cards will be randomly generated and scattered throughout your deck.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

In-game, the Macaws in your deck are actually one-cost, 1/1 Beast cards called Jeweled Macaw. This card has a Battlecry that adds a random beast to your hand. That means both you and your opponent will have a hand full of powerful Beasts in no time.

Unless you luck up and get some fancy low-cost spells, odds are your early game will be spent amassing a board full of Jeweled Macaws and slamming them into your opponents. As the avian battle rages on, you’ll need to try to strategize around the random minions and spell cards you acquire as the game goes on.

Since this brawl relies so heavily on randomness, you’ll find some games are just kind of unwinnable. On the opposite side of that coin, you’ll find that in some games you completely obliterate your opponent. Either way, you shouldn’t have an issue snagging your first win and acquiring that free Standard card pack.

You can take on the Just Macaws Tavern Brawl all week long.
