Hey everyone with the GvG expansion now out I decided to take some of the new cards available to us and implement them into one of my favorite decks, token Druid. This deck is much faster than a ramp Druid and focuses more on having minion on your board and finishing with the game with the force-of-nature savage-roar combo. I’ve had some pretty good success with this deck taking it from rank 15 to 6 in the first two days of the GvG cards being out.
Deck Explanation
This deck is a very aggressive Druid deck and all the cards have tons of synergy with each other. I have not only included mech synergy but violet-teacher which works very well with the spare parts and power-of-the-wild. In the early turns of the game you are going to want to establish board control, then begin pushing for damage. Force of Nature is not always needed because of the tokens which is why there is only one copy. This deck can cause serious damage since if you do have combo in hand and at least one or two minion on board you can burst for roughly 20 damage.
clockwork-gnome-synergizes with tinkertown-technician and also gives a spare part to use later with Violet Teacher simple turn one play.
anodized-robo-cub– This is a great card early game, you are going to want to use it as a 2/3 most of the time unless you are playing against a Priest. The reason is because whether they use northshire-cleric or wild-pyromancer you will be able to kill it. It’s 3 health and taunt usually allows you to trade 2 for 1 which is important since you want board control early.
spider-tank-Although it has no deathrattle I do prefer this card over harvest-golem. It absorbs essentially the same amount of damage and has 3 attack to kill minions like northshire-cleric and acolyte-of-pain which need to be killed in one hit if possible.
tinkertown-technician– This card works really well since your main early drops are all mech so it will almost always be a 4/4 and you will get the spare part.
mechanical-yeti-very solid 4 drop in this deck chillwind-yeti has always been a good card in Druid and now we have a yeti that gives us 1 mana spells. Although the opponent gains a spare part as well it doesn’t really matter because they synergize better with your deck and cards then in most other decks so they will almost always benefit you more.
piloted-shredder-One of the best cards that was released in GvG because of the amount of value you get from this card. There are so many good 2 drops in this game and even more released in GvG so the chances you get a good card are very high. This card also allows you to maintain something on the board when it dies helping with the finishing combo.
violet-teacher-Your main token maker and one of the most important cards in the deck. This card is amazing with innervate and power-of-the-wild and now it is even better with the spare part spells. Spare parts such as the freeze or stealth also help you protect your teacher or you can also give a token taunt as well.
the-black-knight-Since this is a very aggressive decks with small tokens it struggles with taunts and black knight helps greatly with this problem and causes a huge tempo swing when played.
Cards to Consider
mechwarper-very helpful with getting your mechs out a little earlier however with innervates Druid already has the power to get cards out earlier.
enhance-o-mechano-Also has potential in this deck however i’ve never been a fan of cards that depend on you already being ahead on board, although the cards in this deck can help each other many of them are good stand alone cards.
kezan-mystic– unstable-portal has caused mage to become quite popular again specifically the tempo mage with can cause problems for this deck with cards like mirror-entity. If you are facing a lot of Mage I suggest adding one of these in your deck. Also helps in the Hunter match up.
grove-tender-one of my favorite cards in GvG and was in the original draft of this deck however she is just too slow in this type of Druid. Similar to wild-growth they are both great cards in ramp Druid but not so much in aggro/token Druid.
Token Druid has always been one of my favorite classes and I have used it to hit legend on multiple occasions, with these new mech cards I have gone through several drafts of this decks and this is the one I feel to be the strongest. Right now there is not a set meta however most decks have slowed down a bit being able to get board control early is huge when you are ready to burst down your opponent. If you have any comments or questions or any other card suggestions feel free to let me know below and good luck climbing the ladder.