Fade2Karma’s Mech Taunt Warrior Deck Guide!

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Hey guys FalconePunch55 here, and I want to bring you something a little different. As my area on F2K is streaming, I want to help you play some fun decks to enjoy the game, rather than help you play at a top competitive level, which my teammates are much better equipped at doing! I want to share you decks that I’ve been playing which you won’t find often in the meta, but which I’ve been playing with a positive win rate, and will provide you with a nice, fun break from playing Secret Paladin! Today I bring you- Mech-Taunt-Warrior! Yup, that’s a mouthful.

Screwjank Clunker is one of the best mech cards that was released with GvG, but unfortunately Warrior as a class has never really suited the aggressive mech archetype. With Control Warrior being so strong due to the infinite armor gain and cheap removal, and tempo warrior being completely out-classed by Grim Patron Warrior, there wasn’t really any point in playing a Mech Warrior deck. There has been a very aggressive Mech Warrior class floating around, which uses weapons for removal and warriors to hit the face, but it never really kicked off.

Meanwhile, Taunt Warrior has been equally underwhelming. Bolster is a card which I believe has so much potential, and the synergy to be had with Sparring Partner is incredibly tempting. But again, there hasn’t really been too much point in playing Taunt Warrior instead of the Control or Dragon Variants.

So I was wondering how I can be intuitive with the Warrior class, considering the mech and taunt cards. And that was when I had the lightbulb moment! Arcane Nullifier X-21! Another cool mech card that hasn’t ever found a stable place in any constructed deck. But this card having both Taunt and Mech sparked some deck making insanity, as I found myself dragging loads of Mech and Taunt cards into a Warrior deck. Thus, the deck was conceived.

The deck has incredible tempo. Chock Full of 1-4 drop cards, it’s super easy to get a solid start, with warbot and annoy-o-tron, or mechwarpaer and spider tank. With a start this solid, you should easily be able to out-tempo most opponents and win the game fairly quickly; it’s a different strategy to the typical attrition style of play that taunt decks and warrior decks are known for. But with annoy-o-tron and Arcane Nullifier X-21 both getting buffed by Bolster AND Screwjank Clunker– the tempo/aggression style of play just shines. It’s like shattered sun Cleric on steroids. Your minions almost always have the ability to trade of thanks to all of the buffs, allowing you to then a lot of value from Battle Rage (A card which feels powerful, but fair in this deck- unlike in a certain other deck I can think of) Acolyte of pain is also an important card in this deck, worth it based on the death’s bite synergy alone, and necessary in a deck with such a low curve.

Key Strategies

Screwjank Clunker is easily one of the most powerful cards in the deck, but there are some targets which are a higher priority than others. While it’s great to hit a warbot, spider tank or mechwarper with this card- what you really want is to target Annoy-o-tron (while it still has its divine shield) or Arcane Nullifier X-21. You’ll know from aggressive Paladin decks that buffing a minion with divine shield is just cruel, but I’d argue that buffing the nullifier is even worse. The ideal scenario is coin out the nullifier, and then play Screwjank Clunker the following turn. How does your opponent possibly deal with a 4/7 card that cannot be hit by spells? It’s brutal. Defender of Argus is also MVP in this deck. I can’t tell you how many times this has been the card I’ve wanted to topdeck, so that I can then bolster my board for lethal.

Key Cards

• Annoy-o-tron– It’s a mech and a taunt: the whole point of the deck. Synergies everywhere.

• Arcane Nullifier X-21– Also a mech and a taunt. Also there’s nothing more satisfying than watching a Mage try to ping this card on 1 health. People always forget that it can’t be targeted. Just don’t buff it to 7 attack of you’ll be sad when it gets hit by Big Game Hunter.

• Screwjank Clunker– An incredible mech card, this card is the single reason mech warrior can out tempo most other decks.

• Bolster– This is the reason we run taunts and taunt givers. If you can play this card onturn 4, hitting at least two minions, you’ll probably win by turn 7. This card is my favorite win condition in the deck. It is actually insane how much burst damage this can grant.

• Defender of Argus– As we’re not running sen’jin shieldmasta, Sludge Belcher, or other taunted minions (due to taunt minions generally having lower stats than normal minions, and also the fact that space is required for mechs in the deck) This card is insane. It’s a large tempo gain deck, as it usually gives you 2/2 on the board, similar to Screwjank Clunker.

• Acolyte of Pain– Necessary for draw power. Synergies with Death’s Bite and Defender of Argus.

• Battle Rage– Necessary for draw power and synergies with Death’s Bite. Also, it’s very easy to trade and have minions survive in this deck. It’s very powerful, but fair. Other than that, throw in weapons and mechs and you’re golden.


Handlock is a fairly bad matchup, unless you can win fast and avoid Molten Giants. Warrior is fine unless they play brawl (thecard completely destroys this deck). Druid is okay, just make sure to kill Darnassus Aspirants as soon as they’re played. Paladin is a fantastic matchup as this is a faster deck and Consecration doesn’t wipe the board most of the time. Against everything, just focus on clearing, and holding the board at the start of the game, and go full SMOrc when you have significant damage!

Final Words

Hope you enjoyed the deck guide and have some success with it! Let me know by sending me tweet at @f2k_falconepunch55. Also, join me on my stream (Monday-Thursday) at http://twitch.tv/falconepunch55. 🙂
