Coilskar Commander is coming to Hearthstone’s Voyage to the Sunken City expansion

A new Naga for Demon Hunters.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

One of the most exciting things about Hearthstone’s upcoming Voyage to the Sunken City expansion is the addition of a new minion type, the Naga. And one of the latest Nagas revealed is a powerful Demon Hunter minion.

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Coilskar Commander is a six-cost 2/6 Naga minion with Taunt and a Battlecry. When Coilskar Commander enters the field, if you’ve cast three spells while he has been in your hand, you will summon two copies of him instead of one.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

So basically, draw Coilskar Commander, cast three spells while he’s in your hand, then you get two of him for the price of one. Since Coilskar Commander’s Battlecry is accompanied by the fact that he has Taunt, this looks like it will be a great way for Demon Hunter players to throw up a protective wall if they find themselves backed into a corner during the mid to late game.

Since Coilskar Commander is a Naga, that means he will likely play synergistically with other Naga minions at the Demon Hunter’s disposal. It will be exciting to see how this new minion type shapes each individual class, as well as the future of Hearthstone going forward.

You’ll be able to check out Coilskar Commander and all of the cards coming with Voyage to the Sunken City when the expansion goes live on April 12.
