10 Best GTA vehicles, ranked

Get around in GTA Style!

There is a shot of a garage that has multiple vehicles inside of it. There is a helicopter and fighter jet inside.
Vehicles in storage. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

The Grand Theft Auto series has given players tons of stylish vehicles to travel with. Whether you’re cruising the streets or hightailing it away from the cops, you can count on finding a vehicle quickly in GTA to help you get around, and among them are some true gems.

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There is a shot of Grand Theft Auto 3 and the player driving a taxi.
Making some extra cash as a taxi driver. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

10) Taxi Cab – Multiple GTA games

Want to make a quick buck driving people around, or just need a car to get you someplace important? There’s always a taxi cab driving around nearby that you can “borrow” if you’re on the move. It’s a simple car that looks plain and blends in with traffic easily.

While not the fastest car around, it doesn’t need to be. It has enough durability to take some hits and is fast enough to get you out of an area quickly enough to calm things down. Taxi cabs have been around since the first GTA game and are some of the most common cars you’ll see on the road.

There is a shot of a cop car in Vice City. There are buildings in the distance.
On the other side of the law with a cop car. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

9) Police Car – Multiple GTA games

Let’s face it: The cops get to drive around in cars that are fast enough to chase down most criminals. So why be scared of them when you can find one to drive yourself? Police cars are reliable vehicles when it comes to speeding through the streets or ramming another vehicle off the road, and they have great handling.

There are police cars in every GTA game, with different variations in their appearance and capabilities. But they’re all strong vehicles that can be a great asset if you manage to snag one. Just don’t be brazen enough to go after a police car when the cops can see you. They won’t be happy when they find out you’re using their vehicle for your own criminal purposes.

Police cars in certain GTA games also let you earn extra cash through vigilante missions. This means instead of breaking the law, you can help the cops enforce it while making a little profit. Sometimes it pays to be on the right side of the law.  

There is a shot of a sparrow chopper in the middle of a city.
Taking off with a Sparrow. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

8) Sparrow – Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

If traveling by road isn’t convenient enough to get away, taking to the skies is the next best option. The Sparrow is a light helicopter that’s easy to handle and great for traveling across great distances. Plus, the views from high above are breathtaking.

The Sparrow is lightweight and can fit up to two riders inside. That said, it’s not very durable, and you’ll be in danger if you encounter any kind of hostility. For this reason, the Sparrow is usually ideal for getting to a faraway destination before you cause a ruckus.

There is a shot of a tank in an open area. There is a trunk in the far background.
When in doubt, go get yourself a tank. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

7) Rhino Tank – Grand Theft Auto III

When you want to make a statement with some serious firepower, nothing does it better than a tank. Much like its predecessors from the 2D GTA games, the Rhino is a tank that can take on legions of enemies. As such, it’s very slow on the road and has to compensate for its lack of speed with immense durability.

But when you’re driving a tank, it doesn’t matter if you’re moving slowly. All you need to care about while driving a Rhino is blowing things up, especially if there are cops attacking you from all sides. If you want to make something go boom, the Rhino will definitely get the job done.

There is a shot of an army helicopter in the air. It is firing a missile.
Firing missiles in the air from a chopper. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

6) FH-1 Hunter – Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Controlling military might on the ground is great, but having that same power in the air is even better. The same kind of firepower you get from a tank is even deadlier when it comes from the sky. The FH-1 Hunter is a military chopper that can rain heavy fire on anything you want to take out with ease.

While in the air, the Hunter can move surprisingly fast and maneuver easier than most other helicopters. Its handling is excellent and allows you to make quick turns if necessary. But like other helicopters you can control in GTA games, it can crash easily if you manage to tilt too far when turning.

It also has a lot more durability, allowing it to take plenty of gunfire in most situations. Still, it won’t endure the impact of a well-placed enemy rocket.  

There is a shot of a Cheetah car in Vice City. It is night time.
Driving down the Vice City streets. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

5) The Cheetah – Grand Theft Auto Vice City

The 1980s were all about style and flair. Bright city lights and fast sports cars dominated the streets. The Cheetah is a stylish sports car that looks very similar to a real-life Ferrari. It’s very fast on the road and looks good in motion.

Although the Cheetah has appeared in multiple games since GTA III, the version from GTA Vice City is the most fondly remembered. Later games in the series had different iterations of the Cheetah, with varying colors and styles that ooze personality.

If you ever wanted to feel like you’re in an episode of Miami Vice, this is the car you’ll want to drive. That said, it’s not the most durable car around, especially if you crash into something at top speed.

There is a shot of a Patriot driving through a city. There are other cars on the road.
Packing American power on the streets in a Patriot. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

4) The Patriot – Multiple GTA games

Some people just love the power that comes with driving an SUV. Luckily for them, the Patriot is a vehicle that exudes power on the road. It’s durable enough to endure gunfire and hits from other vehicles, and can dish out its own brand of damage to opposing drivers.

The Patriot has been included in multiple games since Grand Theft Auto III, with both military and civilian versions found in various locations. It has great handling and reach high speeds on the road remarkably fast. If you manage to find a Patriot you can use, you’ll have a rock-hard vehicle that’s veryhelpful in chaotic situations.

There is a shot of a sports car that looks like the Tim Burton Batmobile. It is daytime on the road.
Becoming a vigilante in the streets. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

3) Grotti Vigilante – GTA Online

Having a fast car to get you around is one thing. But when your car is fast and looks like the Batmobile from Tim Burton’s Batman, you’re on a whole different level. The Grotti Vigilante has a high durability and powerful rocket boost for extra speed, making it ideal for chasing someone down or evading unwanted attention. This car is also equipped with machine guns and can also have rocket launchers attached to it.

Clearly, there are people at Rockstar who are big Batman fans. The overall design of the car makes it pretty obvious, including influences from both the Burton and Nolan Batman films. But you won’t hear anybody complaining about that after driving it around.

There is a shot of a fighter jet that is starting up at a military base.
Getting ready for takeoff from the military base. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

2) P-996 LAZER – Grand Theft Auto V

Flying a military jet in Grand Theft Auto V is awesome. The speed at which you fly through the air is exhilarating, and the view of everything below is an amazing sight. Although the first jet to appear in a GTA game was the HYDRA, the P-996 LAZER is undoubtedly the jet players enjoyed using most.

The P-996 LAZER can maneuver in the air quickly and reach astonishingly high speeds. It is also equipped with machine guns and has six radar-guided rockets. This is a very powerful jet to use, but can be incredibly difficult to acquire. While a military base will have one you can try to take, good luck trying to get it out in one piece against enemy fighters that pursue you.

There is a shot of a car that has turned into a submarine. It is red and diving underwater.
Driving in sub-mode like a secret agent. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

1) Ocelot Stromberg – GTA Online

If you’re feeling dangerous and believe you have a license to kill, then the Ocelot Stromberg is the only car for you. This is a vehicle that can tackle almost any situation and feels it’s been equipped by a secret government agency. The car has machine guns and missiles for taking out enemies, but that’s far from the most impressive thing it can do.

The Ocelot Stromberg can transform between different vehicle modes and become a submarine to travel in water. If you are driving on the road and end up in the sea for any reason, you can change modes and continue moving forward underwater. The submarine mode even comes with torpedo launchers that you can fire at targets from below the surface.

Although it’s not faster than other speed boats, this car is highly adaptable and great fun. While driving it, don’t forget to take all of your drinks shaken, not stirred.

Image of Jakejames Lugo
Jakejames Lugo
Jakejames Lugo is a writer and creator that has been covering video games, movies, and general entertainment for over a decade. He has published various articles on many outlets, and makes videos regularly for platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Jakejames continues to share gaming related content daily over social media for everyone to enjoy.