When does Mandragora release?

Become The Inquisitor.

Promotional image for Mandragora showing the Inquisitor.
Image via Primal Game Studio

Primal Game Studio’s Mandragora is an upcoming side-scrolling action RPG that promises tough-as-nails difficulty, a dark world, and a slew of other engaging elements. This article will give you all the details you need to know about Mandragora and when the game is expected to launch.

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When does Mandragora release?

Image showing a big enemy in Mandragora.
Mandragora will have several tough enemies. Image via Primal Game Studio

At the time of writing, Mandragora is set to launch in late 2024. While a specific day and month has yet to be revealed, It will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

What is Mandragora?

Image showing characters in Mandragora.
You will meet several allies in the game. Image via Primal Game Studio

Mandragora is an upcoming side-scrolling 2.5D Soulslike that will have you face various vicious creatures in an interesting narrative crafted by Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines‘ Brian Mitsoda. The game is set in the world of Faeldum, where mankind has surrendered to monsters. The story follows your character, The Inquisitor, as they step into the darkness of the night to challenge the hordes of monsters plaguing Faeldum.

The story will see you choose between various choices, resulting in many different endings. The game also promises all the best parts of a great Soulslike, including deadly bosses, over 200 different skills, various cosmetics and crafting elements, a great soundtrack, and much more. It will also feature over ten main quests and over 25 optional ones, a map hiding secret areas you can uncover, and six distinct character classes. It also sports several NPC allies that provide upgrades and items. Lastly, Mandragora will feature many customization options and New Game Plus difficulty levels.

Image of Abdul Saad
Abdul Saad
Abdul Saad is a seasoned entertainment journalist and critic and has been writing for over five years on multiple gaming sites. When he isn't writing or playing the latest JRPG, he can be found coding games of his own or tinkering with something electrical.