Mortal Kombat developer teaser adding fuel to PlayStation Showcase rumors

So, are you ready for the state of play?

PlayStation logo. a P with an S laying beside it
Image via Sony

Rumors are floating around on the internet that there will be a PlayStation showcase happening in May 2023. More fuel has been added to the fire due to a tweet by Ed Boon, the Co-creator of Mortal Kombat.

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In a tweet, Boon wrote that “This week should be fun,” along with a serpentine dragon emoji. This is in the midst of raging rumors that a showcase is on the way and the new Mortal Kombat game is one of the games being presented in it.

Industry insider Rino tweeted a potential list of devs involved in it such as Kojima Productions, SuckerPunch, and Naughty Dog. This would be a huge showcase if true, even Bungie is in it for the party.

But let’s stop for a bit and look at whether the showcase is actually plausible this week. Looking at the history of PlayStation showcases, there’s actually a high chance that there’s going to be one this May.

An IGN article listed out all the State of Plays that happened since 2019. There was one in May for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. 2022 is the only year where the State of Play was in June instead May. But this still gives us more reasons to believe that there’s going to be one this month.

Because these are all still rumors as of now, it’s wise to take them with a grain of salt and wait for the actual announcement before getting too excited.

Image of Cedric Pabriga
Cedric Pabriga
A freelance writer who mostly covers VTubers, Smash Ultimate, Genshin Impact, and industry news. He has three years of experience in video games journalism and his bylines can be found on sites such as IGN, IntoTheSpine, and Dot Esports. If he's not working, he's either listening to music or playing another RPG he got his hands on. Either that, or getting lost at a random place.