All playable characters in Star Wars: Hunters

Unlimited power.

Image via Zynga

The next multiplayer Star Wars title, Star Wars: Hunters, is set to release in 2024 for both the Nintendo Switch and mobile platforms. A third-person arena shooter with some mild Overwatch vibes, Hunters will feature a diverse cast of characters from all edges of the galaxy battling it out in front of a rabid crowd.

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The game was originally set to release in 2022, but two separate delays have pushed the worldwide launch back to 2024. Still, the game has been playable by a few thanks to limited tests and a soft launch across a few regions, giving us a look at some of the original characters.

So far, 12 characters have been revealed via the official website and the cinematic trailer.

Here are all the playable characters in Star Wars: Hunters announced so far.

Aran Tal

Aran Tal aiming guns in an arena in Star Wars: Hunters.
This is the way. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games

Aran Tal is a Mandalorian character looking to “serve up fiery justice.” This tagline, along with their fiery nameplate on the Star Wars: Hunters website and their appearance in the cinematic trailer, indicates they will utilize a flamethrower weapon. This will likely be a special or even ultimate ability since they’re holding dual blaster pistols as their primary weapon. Aran Tal can also use a jet pack.


Grozz holding two weapons in an arena in Star Wars: Hunters.
Brute force. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games

Grozz the Wookiee warrior is a melee-focused character, utilizing blunt melee weapons made of Imperial scrap metal. His abilities include a charge ability called Stampede that fans of Reinhardt from Overwatch will love, a Frenzy ability that increases his attack speed, a self-heal, and an ultimate called Boulder Bash where he throws a big Indiana Jones-esque boulder along a path.


Utooni stacked on top of each other in an arena in Star Wars: Hunters.
Scrappy. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games

Utooni is a duo of Jawas stacked on top of each other, like the cliché of two children sneaking into an R-rated movie. They can blast enemies with an energy cone that knocks them back, throw a grenade that pulls enemies in, and unleash a Scrap Cannon beam for their ultimate. They also drop a Sonic Grenade when they are eliminated—an ode to the Martyrdom perk from Call of Duty.


J-3DI with a lightsaber in an arena in Star Wars: Hunters.
Run Force.exe. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games

J-3DI is a unique, lightsaber-wielding droid “programmed to believe that the Force is with him.” J-3DI will be able to do lightsaber attacks that humanoids would be incapable of, thanks to his droid mechanics. He can pull a single enemy toward him, block melee attacks and deflect blaster fire with his lightsaber, and utilize a heavy two-handed melee swing. His Whirlwind ultimate lets him spin like a Beyblade and damage all enemies around him.


Rieve with a red lightsaber in an arena in Star Wars: Hunters.
Embrace the darkness. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games

Rieve is another melee warrior, attuned to the dark side of the Force. It’s unknown if she is an actual Sith; while J-3DI calls her one in the cinematic trailer, that could just be due to his programming. She can dash forward and slash, do a flipping leap forward and splash damage where she lands, and throw her lightsaber. Her Crushing Will ultimate stuns, pulls, and damages enemies in a wide radius.

Imara Vex

Imara Vex holding a gun in an arena in Star Wars: Hunters.
No escape. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games

Imara Vex is a bounty hunter equipped with a custom blaster rifle and a shoulder-mounted missile launcher. Her species is unknown, but she’s a long-time rival of Aran Tal. She can utilize a grappling hook to reach high spots, reveal enemies through walls, fire a “micro-missile” that tracks targets, and has the Seeker Salvo ultimate that fires a barrage of rockets seeking enemies in your vision.


Slingshot operating a droideka in an arena in Star Wars: Hunters.
Roll out. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games

Slingshot is an Ugnaught operating a customized Separatist droideka like it’s a mech suit. He can charge and catapult forward to knock enemies aside, deploy the iconic droideka bubble shield which explodes when broken, fire a cone of rockets, and use his Rocket Storm ultimate to bounce up and down and deal bursts of damage around him.


Sentinel with a gun in an arena in Star Wars: Hunters.
Long live the Empire. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games

Sentinel is a former Imperial Stormtrooper, operating a large heavy repeating blaster. The “arrogant, loud-mouth leftover from the Empire” can deploy a shield on his gun barrel, utilize slowing blaster rounds, stun and knockback enemies, and summon two Stormtroopers to cover you with his Empire’s Finest ultimate.


Zaina pointing a gun in an arena in Star Wars: Hunters.
Super support. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games

Zaina is a “veteran of the Rebel Alliance and a hero to the New Republic,” with metal prosthetics for legs. Zaina is a support character who can throw out a healing burst, roll out of harm’s way, throw a sticky bomb, and buff allies around her with her Rallying Cry ultimate.


Skora with a gun in an arena in Star Wars: Hunters.
There’s chemistry, and then there’s art. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games

Skora is “a chemistry genius” who plays as a buff/debuff-style character, engineering stims for her allies and poisons for enemies. She fires these stims with a dart gun that heals allies and poisons opponents. Her ultimate is a thrown canister serving as a larger, area-of-effect version of her stims.


Sprocket sitting in an arena in Star Wars: Hunters.
You know he’s got traps. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games

Sprocket is a young Mon Calamari “whiz kid” and “prodigy” who uses super-advanced droids and weaponry to his advantage. He can deploy a medical droid that heals allies in the nearby vicinity, in addition to a turret that automatically targets and attacks enemies.


Diago smiling with a blindfold and gun in Star Wars: Hunters.
The mysterious, alluring cowboy Diago. Image via Zynga/Lucasfilm Games.

Diago is a Muraluka sharpshooter, which is astonishing considering his species is born without sight. He can increase his fire rate at the cost of his accuracy, deploy mines, fire a disorienting and damaging flare, and activate Piercing Rounds that deal high damage as his ultimate.

Image of Scott Robertson
Scott Robertson
VALORANT lead staff writer, also covering CS:GO, FPS games, other titles, and the wider esports industry. Watching and writing esports since 2014. Previously wrote for Dexerto, Upcomer, Splyce, and somehow MySpace. Jack of all games, master of none.