All exosuit classes in Exoprimal

Plenty of options for your dino hunt.

A close-up shot of an exosuit in exoprimal, detailed in yellow and holding a gun over the shoulder.
Image via Capcom

Exoprimal offers a number of exosuit classes for players to choose from when fending off the dinosaur invasion.

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Capcom’s online-only multiplayer dino-hunter offers both PvP and PvE situations, with teamwork crucial to taking down the enemy and emerging victorious.

Strategy is required when entering the field, with teams needing to be able to inflict enough damage to see off enemies, recover from any damage they take, and soak up the horde of dinosaurs on the rampage.

Fortunately, Exoprimal offers 10 different classes with a range of abilities to choose from, with more to be added in future updates.

Here are all exosuit classes in Exoprimal with details on strengths, weaknesses, and possible strategies.


The Deadeye exosuit in Exoprimal is shown wielding an assault rifle in an urban environment.
Keep at a safe distance. Image via Capcom

This assault class is a good choice for players who want to inflict damage upon their foes, both dinosaurs and other players, from a distance.

Using the assault rifle, the Deadeye can hit enemies from medium range with minimum recoil, though it has its shortcomings in close-quarter fights and you should focus on keeping a safe distance from your targets.

If push comes to shove and you do end up face-on, the Deadeye class has a powerful palm strike that can be used to push you back to a safe distance.


A blue Zephyr exosuit in Exoprimal, wielding a close-range weapon in an urban landscape.
Up close and personal. Image via Capcom

The second of the four assault classes in Exoprimal, the Zephyr class is the complete opposite of Deadeye and thrives in close-quarter combat situations.

Utilizing agility and fast-paced attacks makes Zephyr the ideal class for those wanting to quickly inflict a heavy punch, while the class is built with ‘Tonfa’ that unleashes a wave of energy in attacks.

Remaining mobile is key when playing as the Zephyr class, as it can be described as a glass cannon.

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A player in Exoprimal wearing a yellow exosuit wielding a crossbow-like weapon.
Unleash the fire. Image via Capcom

Capable of inflicting damage at a distance and close range, the Barrage is an assault class in Exoprimal that makes use of an array of grenades and explosive weaponry.

With a flame-cloaked skull to boot, Barrage is a great-looking class and is also effective in gameplay, able to set alight to foes to inflict persistent damage.

The Barrage is a great class for those looking to utilize AOE attacks, as it can quickly see off a horde of small dinosaurs.


The vigilant exosuit in Exoprimal, holding a sniper rifle in an urban landscape and preparing a shot.
Deadly from range. Image via Capcom

The final assault class in Exoprimal, Vigilant is a long-range exosuit that is perfect for those who want to maintain a safe distance from the enemy.

With a sniper loadout and recon abilities, the Vigilant class is focused on finding the best strategic position and taking time to provide the best hit possible.

The Vigilant is particularly effective in scenarios where a target needs to be defended, as it can call out incoming threats and take them out early.


The Roadblock exosuit in Exoprimal, showing a tanky character wielding a huge shield.
You can’t park there. Image via Capcom

The first of three Tank classes in the game, the Roadblock is capable of soaking up immense damage and protecting teammates within the game.

The powerful shield comes equipped with a boost, which can be used to knock enemies back, and is the perfect partner to those playing as a Zephyr or Deadeye, as the Roadblock provides significant protection.

As a Tank, however, its damage output is limited and the main focus of this exosuit is defense rather than offense.

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The Murasame exosuit in Exoprimal kneeling and holding a sword facing backward in an urban environment.
Fight with honor. Image via Capcom

Boasting a futuristic look mixed with feudal Japan, the Murasame is a tanky class that can take plenty of hits but is also able to pack a punch at close range.

The Murasame utilizes a massive sword and is more agile than the Roadblock, though it has less armor.

This class provides the perfect middle ground for players as it’s able to deal out a wealth of damage while also having decent survivability.


The Krieger exosuit in Exoprimal, showing a dark grey suit holding a monstrous minigun.
Mimi-gun brings lots of fun. Image via Capcom

A tank in every sense of the word, the Krieger comes equipped with a massive turret gun that can quickly mow down groups of enemies.

The formidable weapon comes with a lack of maneuverability, though it is powerful enough to take enemy hits on the chin and provide protection to teammates.

The Krieger is another decent option for players who are looking to deal damage and offer some protection, though the slow movement will not be for everyone.


The Witchdoctor exosuit in Exoprimal, showing a character jumping beneath a skyscraper.
Doctor’s orders. Image via Capcom

The first of three support classes in Exoprimal, the Witchdoctor provides a boost to the skills of teammates to amplify their attacking output.

Capable of moving around the battlefield quickly, the Witchdoctor can act as a mobile repair unit and the focus will be on ensuring teammates are ready for a fight rather than directly getting involved in combat.

Having a class like Witchdoctor on the team can provide the difference between success and failure, however, so it’s always recommended to have some sort of support.


The Skywave exosuit in Exoprimal hovering over a city street in front of an advertising board.
A whole new world. Image via Capcom

The Skywave is a support character who has the unique ability to fly through the air in Exoprimal, making it the perfect class to fend off the aerial threats in the game.

While the Witchdoctor thrives on boosting allies, Skywave does the opposite by inflicting negative effects on enemies, such as slowing them down.

The Skywave is a great way to scope out an area of attack before moving in, providing crucial feedback and strategies to the rest of the team.


The Nimbus exosuit in Exoprimal, with four weapons hovering and two pistols held by a pink and white character.
Strength all around. Image via Capcom

The final support class in Exoprimal, the Nimbus is a class capable of inflicting damage upon enemies as well as providing assistance to teammates.

Two weapons offer two options for the Nimbus on the field, with one dealing damage to enemies and the second beam able to heal teammates.

The Nimbus is a solid choice of support for players who still want to be able to get involved in the fight.

Image of Josh Challies
Josh Challies
Staff Writer. Professional writer since 2014. Pokemon, Marvel, Star Wars and overall geek. Previously wrote for Yahoo Sport, Stats Perform and online news publications.