How to fix Forza Motorsport crashing errors

Some New Zealand trickery may be at work here.

Cars in Forza Motorsport race, with dirt kicked up into the air.
Image via Turn 10 Studios

When not married by performance issues, Forza Motorsport is a great experience. If your game keeps crashing however, we have some suggestions that could help. 

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Our Forza Motorsport review makes our position on the title clear. Granted, our positivity stems from having next to no performance issues with the game. But not everyone is blessed with a smooth experience, and you might be among the many PC players reporting crashes and black screens denying them gametime. There are currently two camps on this—people who were getting crashes in Forza Motorsport but no longer do and folks who still receive crash errors. We’re going to suggest fixes for both camps.

Why was Forza Motorsport crashing during early access?

If Forza Motorsport was crashing on you during the initial early access period, but now it’s all good, then the reason was likely an unsuccessful New Zealand trick attempt. Many players use regional settings to play games earlier by temporarily “moving” to New Zealand. Forza Motorsport didn’t react well to that scheme, however, crashing on players from regions where the game wasn’t officially available yet. These crashes have stopped because Forza Motorsport early access has officially launched in your actual region, fixing the problem causing the crashes.

If you have bought the Forza Motorsport Standard edition, officially releasing Oct. 10, there is a high probability you will get crashes if you try to apply the New Zealand trick ahead of the official launch in your region. It’s probably best that you wait this one out.

A grid of cars prepare for a race at night in Forza Motorsport.
Many players wanted to get racing in Forza Motorsport early, but it came at a cost. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

How to fix Forza Motorsport crashing on PC

If your Forza Motorsport crashes persist beyond the scope of the New Zealand trick, you should try some troubleshooting suggestions. Unfortunately, there’s not a universal fix, but there are a few easy things you can try to fix the issue without much effort or any side effects.

Confirm your PC meets the minimum requirements

Forza Motorsport is a demanding game that requires a medium to high-end PC to run even at 1080p. Make sure your PC meets all requirements before trying any other methods. Sadly, if this is the root of your problems, the only proper solution is upgrading your PC.

Restart your PC

We cringe a little whenever we suggest this fix, but it’s a meme for a reason. Rebooting hardware can be the miracle fix more often than we give it credit for.

Confirm Windows is up to date

Check if your current version of Windows is the most recent one. You can see your Windows status by opening the Start menu and then going to ‘Settings’. On Windows 11, click on ‘Windows Update’. On Windows 10, click ‘Update & Security’ and then ‘Windows Update’. If you perform a Windows Update, restart the PC afterwards.

Update GPU drivers

Having the latest GPU drivers is imperative for running any new game release. Forza Motorsport could display an on-screen message urging you to update GPU drivers, but even if it doesn’t, you should do it regardless. Updating GPU drivers is unique to each manufacturer, but you can generally download the latest drivers from the manufacturer’s official site.

These are the easiest fixes that we think are most likely to help fix crashing issues, but they’re far from the only probabilities. If Forza Motorsport is still giving you trouble, you can lean on the extensive troubleshooting provided by Turn 10 Studios.

Image of Kiril Stoilov
Kiril Stoilov
Dot Esports general gaming writer. Loves writing, games, and writing about games. Began working in the industry in 2018 with, before moving to, and later joining the Dot Esports staff. Though a single player gamer at heart, he can be seen noobing around CS:GO lobbies.