Something appears to be trying to break out of the cracks at Fortnite’s Polar Peak

Could it be the long-rumored dragon?

Image via Epic Games

Something (or someone) seems to be trying to break free from the Fortnite Polar Peak cracks. The cracks, formed recently at the beginning of season nine, are progressively getting worse. In addition, there are new sounds and visual effects that players are experiencing occasionally when standing in front of the cracks.

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Fortnite content creator HappyPower posted a clip on Twitter today showing the new effects in action. These effects began appearing when the most recent 9.10 patch dropped.

“Wind/sounds are coming from massive new cracks in polar peak,” HappyPower said. “Something trapped inside trying to break out?”

Along with the new crack right down the middle of the iceberg, there’s a new sound heard and smoke that comes out from the cracks. To us, the sound and smoke are somewhat similar to breathing, leading many players to believe that the long-rumored dragon might finally make an appearance soon.

This all began when eggs, presumably dragon eggs, appeared underneath Polar Peak before disappearing off the island. It’s possible that the eggs hatched or this is simply the mother of the dragon eggs trapped under Polar Peak. The cracks began to form when the volcano erupted at the end of season eight.

With some time passing between season eight and nine, perhaps the dragon has finally awoken and is getting ready to break out soon. At the same time, though, this could simply be a prelude to the end of the snow biome in Fortnite. Regardless of whatever is happening, we’ll likely see it during season nine.
