Final stage of the Fortnite volcano eruption leaked

It will likely happen after the fifth rune is activated.

The final stage of the Fortnite volcano eruption was recently leaked by a prominent data miner. It shows the state of the volcano most likely either at the moment of eruption or right after.

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Fortnite leaker FortTory posted a video of the volcano in action on Twitter. The volcano is erupting red hot lava straight up into the sky with a massive plume of dark smoke above it. The tornado-like smoke is so big that it covers a huge portion of the island.

Oddly enough, though, the leak only shows the summit of the volcano itself. We don’t see anything regarding what the eruption will look like on the ground when it happens. This is most likely because Epic is going to have the event happen live so only the volcano’s eruption model is leaked in the game’s data.

But the big question is: when will all of this happen? Well, the fourth rune was activated recently, making the volcano get to ready to erupt in the process. With only one rune left to activate for the hatch at Loot Lake, it will likely happen when that rune activates. The eruption will probably be a one-time live event that shapes the island for season nine.

There are five runes tied to the volcano and Loot Lake in total. It also leaked recently that there is possibly a spaceship underneath the mysterious hatch. Activating the fifth rune may open up the hatch and release the spaceship, opening the door for season nine to commence.
