Epic issues update on competitive bugs, changes Fortnite World Cup qualifier schedule

Europe and Brazil have new qualifier times.

Image via Epic Games

Epic Games issued an update about competitive bugs and made slight schedule changes for Brazil and Europe today. The post was part of the weekly update regarding the Fortnite World Cup qualifiers that also addressed XXiF’s cheating allegations. Epic fixed several major issues that were plaguing the last few weeks of qualifiers.

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The first and most important fix is about the Reboot Van. It’s returning to competitive modes this weekend, following previous issues with it. It now works as intended, allowing players to successfully respawn their fallen teammate(s). This is especially important since this weekend is the qualifiers for duos, so players can now return even if they die.

Epic also fixed the rampant building issues that affected the qualifiers. Players were experiencing problems, such as being unable to build right after landing from a glider. This is now fixed and players should be able to automatically start building as soon as they land.

Players will also be happy to know that turbo building is mostly fixed, too. There were network problems that prevented players from building for a few frames, which might not be a lot, but does make a difference. A hotfix has fixed most of the problems related to this, but Epic cautions that it isn’t certain all cases are fixed.

The delay on streaming replays was reduced from 10 minutes to five minutes after a match concludes. Replays are still only available for watching until the next major content update.

Lastly, Epic changed the times for Europe and Brazil for this weekend. This only applies to the semifinals and seems to be temporary. Europe will host its semifinals from 9am to 12pm CT, while Brazil will be from 5pm to 8pm local time.
