Melee tournament raises nearly $20,000 for Palestine

Melee for a good cause.

Image via Beyond The Summit

Netplay for Palestine 2 was a charity tournament that took place online on Nov. 12 for Super Smash Bros. Melee players. The scene came together in a beautiful way to provide financial support to aid victims in Gaza.

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The tournament received over 300 entrants, including top players like Salt, Zamu, Ben, and KJH. Matches were broadcast to MeleeEveryday and Level1’s Twitch channels to showcase high-level Melee play while raising awareness for the cause. And it absolutely worked—the tournament shattered its $10,000 goal and currently stands at $17,142.

Proceeds from this tournament are going toward MECA, a direct aid nonprofit organization that aids families in Palestine, Iraq, and Lebanon. The direct care provides Palestinians with the resources they need to survive, which is crucial considering they are currently being deprived of necessities like sustainable food and clean water.

The Melee tournament also made it a goal to give a platform for Palestinians to share their stories and art. Whether they spoke on stream or submitted something in writing, their voices got to be heard, teaching us about their culture and informing everyone of the unfortunate reality of their current situation.

The current situation in Palestine is dire, so more events like this must be put together to provide financial aid and demonstrate solidarity with Palestine. A Palestinian Melee player fittingly named Free Palestine has been a persistent voice in the scene for years. But for change to occur, we need to stand together.

With the support of thousands, we can provide the money nonprofits like MECA need to directly aid victims of these horrifying attacks in Palestine. And even better, we can listen to those whose identities and families have been threatened by the misinformation about the Palestine-Israel conflict, and educate ourselves so we can empathize with the people of Palestine.

There’s still time to purchase items via the tournament page to send proceeds to MECA, or you can go to MECA’s website directly to make your contribution.

Image of Eddie Halpin
Eddie Halpin
My name is Eddie Halpin and I've been competing in Super Smash Bros. Melee tournaments since 2016. I love everything Nintendo and FGC.