You can explore multiple locations in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth as you venture through with your companions. You may even stumble upon cache locations, such as the Thresher Waterwheel, where you need to find multiple chests.
These chests contain helpful items you can bring with you and use in battles to aid your party members in defeating waves of enemies. It never hurts to go out of your way to search these cache locations, but tracking down the exact location for these chests can be exhausting. Thankfully for players, you only need to find two at the Thresher Waterwheel in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and we can make searching for them that much easier.
All Thresher Waterwheel chest locations in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
There are two chests you need to find while exploring the Thresher Waterwheel in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. These chests are close to the cache landmark, the large waterwheel at the top of the hill, next to the broken-down bridge. If you go further than this area or go to the area down below it, you’ve gone too far, and you need to make your way back up from the hill.
The first chest is to the right of the Thresh Waterwheel. You can find it immediately next to the waterwheel and the decaying bridge. It might be difficult to spot because it’s partially protected by the shadow of the bridge, but if you get close enough to what’s left of the wooden structure, the glowing edges of the chest should stick out, making it easier to spot. There shouldn’t be too many enemies near this area, even if you’re playing on Hard.
The second and last chest is also near the first one at Thresher Waterwheel in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. From the first chest, take a right and round the corner of the broken bridge and proceed forward, moving away from the waterwheel. You don’t have to go too far and then look to the right. You should find the second chest around the corner of the damaged area, which should be much easier to spot. Unlike the previous one, this chest is out in the open.
After you collect both chests, this completes the cache search at the Thresher Waterwheel. It’s likely the first cache location you learn about in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and you can expect other hidden caches to also work like this as you continue your playthrough between games of Queen’s Blood.