How to mine Salt in Enshrouded

Track down the salt and bring it back to base.

Salt is a helpful resource you’ll need to find as you explore your Enshrouded world. Trying to get it can be a little tricky though; there are multiple obstacles preventing you from reaching it and knowing the best way to track it down should make things much easier.

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There is a location you can find that should make getting salt back to your camp much easier. The way can be a bit of a trek, so make sure to have enough gear to survive the journey and be prepared to have the correct gear on you when you want to mine it. Here’s what you need to know about how to mine salt in Enshrouded.

Where to find salt in Enshrouded

You can find salt by making your way to the Egerton Salt Mines, to the northwest of your starting position. You will need to make your way through the Shroud, and you can expect to encounter several enemies along the way.

I was able to reach this location on foot, but crafting the Grappling Hook or the Glider makes it much easier; the Glider lets you float over enemies and the Grappling Hook gets you onto ledges much faster. You can craft these items as you progress through the area, and the resources needed, such as metal scraps, shroud wood, or animal furs, are not too difficult to find. It doesn’t hurt to have a full Rested buff before you leave, too.

When I made my way over to the Egerton Salt Mines, I encountered level-five enemies. You might want to hit them at range, or you can try to rush them if you have multiple allies working alongside you. Armor, shields and enhanced weapons also help, which means speaking with the Blacksmith, who also teaches you about salvaging.

After those foes have been dealt with, it’s time to begin mining the salt you can find in this area. I would recommend speaking with the Blacksmith in Enshrouded to ensure you have the Scrappy Pickaxe to make it easier to break down the salt, and you can harvest this resource quicker. You will find salt along the walls of this area, jetting out of the rocks.

Image of Zack Palm
Zack Palm
Zack Palm has been writing about video games for the past five years. He spends his free time trying to learn about a new board, reading high-fantasy series, or working on his latest DnD character.