How to heal in Enshrouded

Food for thought—and HP.

A character in Enshrouded looking over a cliff.
Image via Keen Games

When you leave your base in Enshrouded, you’ll face various dangers out in the world. From the Shroud to Fell monsters, you’ll have a target on your back, and sometimes you’ll need to heal in Enshrouded to avoid going down.

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Figuring out how the Shroud worked in Enshrouded was on top of my to-do list when I started playing the game. With the best early game skill tree build on my side, I started venturing into the unknown while also mastering the art of increasing my survival time in the Shroud. During these adventures, healing up gave me more room for error in future fights, as there have been instances where I survived with extremely low amounts of HP.

Healing in Enshrouded

An Enshrouded character destroying a tree.
There are plenty of harvestables in the wild. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Consuming food is the best healing method in Enshrouded, especially during the early game. Purple Berries take the crown in this regard as they can be easily found in the wild, and their healing effect can be stacked alongside Bandages.

To heal up with food items, you’ll need to place them into your inventory hotbar. Once they’re on the bar, left-click on the food items to eat and heal up. Consumables also have different effects depending on how you choose to consume them, raw or cooked.

Alternatively, you can also craft Health Potions after unlocking the Alchemist. A potion will require one Red Mushroom, one Purple Berry, and one Water.

If you’re playing co-op multiplayer or on a dedicated server, you can also consider assigning a healer to your party who can get Healing Charges from the Alchemist, and Chain Heal the party. This might be overkill for solo players and squads with two to three players. My party has been excessively relying on food items so far, and we might give this method a try once they start losing their effectiveness.

Image of Gökhan Çakır
Gökhan Çakır
Gökhan is a Staff Writer and Fortnite Lead at Dot Esports. Gökhan graduated as an industrial engineer in 2020 and has since been with Dot Esports. As a natural-born gamer, he honed his skills to a professional level in Dota 2. Upon giving up on the Aegis of Champions in 2019, Gökhan started his writing career, covering all things gaming, while his heart remains a lifetime defender of the Ancients.