How to beat a Griffin in Dragon’s Dogma 2: Weakness, strategy, rewards

Go, Go, Griffin-dor.

A couple of archers and a mage are looking at a giant bird in the sky in Dragon's Dogma 2
Screenshot by Dot Esports

Griffins are one of the toughest enemy encounters in Dragon’s Dogma 2, but while they might feel unbeatable at first, you can overcome them—and we’ve got the information you need to learn how.

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Though you will likely encounter Griffins very early in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you should avoid fights until you and your Pawn have leveled up significantly and have more abilities to utilize. Until that point, your tactic should be to run.

When you reach the stage where you are comfortable fighting a Griffin and are confident you can take it down, it’s worth following this guide for some extra tips.

Griffin weaknesses in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Griffins are vulnerable to fire attacks while in flight because it results in them not being able to use their wings. If they are in flight, they will come crashing to the ground and lie where you can deal huge amounts of damage.

If a Griffin has already landed, fire attacks will render it unable to use its wings to take to the air to fight or to fly away. Though Griffins are just as dangerous on the ground, keeping them grounded allows Arisen and Pawns of all Vocations to deal damage.

Aside from the elemental weakness to fire that affects its wings, a Griffin’s weakpoint is found on its head. Aim attacks at its head whenever you can—particularly when it is immobile on the ground.

Best Griffin strategy in Dragon’s Dogma 2

A player in Dragon's Dogma 2 attacking a Griffin.
Keep it grounded. Image via Capcom

The most important thing to remember when fighting a Griffin is to keep moving and avoid as many attacks as possible. Try to keep your eyes on the Griffin at all times, particularly if it takes to the air, and don’t stand near the edges of cliffs as you can easily be knocked off.

Make sure you have some Fire attacks at your disposal, either through your Arisen or Pawns in your party, and aim Fire attacks at the Griffin’s wings. Once a Griffin is on the ground, switch focus to attacking its head.

A varied party composition is vital when fighting a Griffin, so you must ensure you can fight the Griffin at range, for when it takes to the sky, and using melee. For range, either have your Arisen as a Magick Archer or have an Archer in your party.

A Mage is also important to provide healing to your party. Without one, you will likely be defeated very quickly. I also like to have a Warrior or a Fighter who can take the brunt of the Griffin’s attacks.

The focus should be on keeping the Griffin grounded as much as possible. After a while, the Griffin will likely look to exit the fight, but this can be stopped by burning its wings or grabbing onto the Griffin and riding it.

Griffin rewards in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Defeating a Griffin in Dragon’s Dogma 2 can provide a variety of rewards. You usually get three items when looting a Griffin’s body, but sometimes Griffin Pinions can drop on the ground during battle.

The full list of rewards for defeating Griffin’s in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is as follows:

  • Dragon’s Breath (Bow)
  • Ferrystone
  • Gold Ore
  • Great Griffin Claw
  • Griffin Pinion
  • Jasper
  • Miracle Roborant
  • Monster Fang
  • Monster Hide
  • Onyx
  • Tiger Eye
Image of Josh Challies
Josh Challies
Staff Writer. Professional writer since 2014. Pokemon, Marvel, Star Wars and overall geek. Previously wrote for Yahoo Sport, Stats Perform and online news publications.