Dragon’s Dogma 2: How to get a Griffin to land from the sky

Take on the foul beast from the skies!

A player in Dragon's Dogma 2 attacking a Griffin.
Image via Capcom

Griffins patrolling the skies of Dragon’s Dogma 2 might be the scariest thing some players encounter but for those daring to take one on and see how difficult it is to cull, finding out how to make it to land is essential.

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Most players might think it’s random how a Griffin will land, but there is a surefire way to get it to come down towards you nearly without fail, so long as you do one of two things.

How to get Griffin to come down from the sky in Dragon’s Dogma 2

griffin death dd2
Slay the beast. Screenshot by Dot Esports

If you see a Griffin circling above the sky in Dragon’s Dogma 2, there are two ways to make it land.

The first is to use an Archer to shoot an arrow at it. Now, don’t get me wrong—this isn’t as easy as it sounds, considering the arrow’s range likely won’t even reach the target, but if it is low enough, this is a surefire way to do it.

The second, and in my opinion the best way, to get a Griffin to land is to use a food source. A griffin won’t be able to resist a large pool of monster corpses thrown together for it to come down and chow down on. If you kill a bunch of goblins, for example, and then grab and drop their bodies all in one place, it’ll increase the chances of a nearby Griffin coming down to get a quick meal.

Make sure you are equipped to deal with one. I couldn’t kill my first Griffin until way past level 20, and even then, I needed to make sure I had a bunch of high Vocation abilities and good upgraded gear to deal damage to it.

Image of Adam Newell
Adam Newell
Assigning Editor. In 2015, Adam graduated from the University of Aberystwyth with a bachelor's in Media and Communications. Working in the industry for over ten years. If it has anything to do with Nintendo and Pokémon chances are you will see me talking about it, covering, and likely not sleeping while playing it.