Diablo 4 players are very disappointed that the Treasure Goblin doesn’t give out rare loot, so much so that they want Blizzard to rename the monster to just “Goblin”.
On July 28, a post in the Diablo 4 subreddit called for a change to the monster’s name as the post’s author feels like the treasure goblins don’t really drop anything valuable, which is pretty misleading considering its name.
The comments section echoed the post’s sentiment with some players saying that the treasure goblin probably got hit by inflation and because of that, the treasure goblin itself might be struggling to make ends meet.
While some people are recounting their experiences where the treasure goblin actually dropped something that’s beneficial. However, you have to keep in mind that they’re the minority in the comments section.
In my experience, I just stopped hunting for these monsters at a certain point as you’re much more likely to get uniques and legendaries from dungeon chests and dungeon bosses. You should only really go for these monsters if you can kill them as fast as you do trash mobs. That way, you don’t spend a lot of time running around chasing after them.
Diablo 4’s first season seems like it’s still plagued by the previous season’s “underwhelming” loot system as is reflected by the lack of valuable items that the treasure goblin drops. Adding to that, some people are even entirely turned off by Diablo 4’s uber-unique system. Blizzard might want to take a close look at this one.