Diablo 4, the upcoming sequel to Blizzard’s long-running franchise, pits players against the latest evil to threaten Sanctuary, Lilith. Fighting a grand demon isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but you can count on the help of other players throughout their time in the game. This can be someone playing from across the world or someone playing Diablo 4 on the couch next to you through the couch co-op feature.
Thankfully, playing on the same console as your friend isn’t difficult at all, and can be done the same way as many other games. Here’s all the information you need to know to play co-op on the same screen in the Diablo 4 beta and the benefits that come with it.
How to play couch co-op in Diablo 4
Joining a game on the same console is as simple as connecting your controller and then pressing the prompted button. This means that only one player needs to have a copy of the early-access beta, with the other player just needing a separate controller. It’s unclear if this is available on PC, but it seems unlikely since connecting a controller will just take over control from the keyboard.
Diablo 4 couch co-op bonuses
When playing with an ally in Diablo 4, whether in the same room or online, players will earn an extra five percent experience when near a player and 10 percent when they are in a party with someone else. This extra experience should help you level up your character a little bit faster and get you closer to earning the beta rewards.
There are ranging challenges in this beta and playing them alongside any ally will make them go by much faster. Thankfully you have a couple of options in how you play co-op with your friends.