Here are all the Diablo 4 classes and abilities

There's something for every play style.

Diablo 4 cover image.
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 has five classes players can choose from. Some have returned from previous iterations, while others are completely new. There’s also a good spread of ranged and melee classes, and each one has a unique playstyle—meaning there’s something for everyone.

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As someone who plays a lot of ranged heroes, Sorcerer is right up my alley. Its ability to control enemies while obliterating them from a distance without being too close to danger is second to none. But while that works for me, others might prefer being a tanky brawler, in which case Barbarian would be ideal.

If you’re trying to figure out which class to play, we’ve got you covered with breakdowns of all the classes and abilities. It will help you make an informed decision.


A Barbarian class character in Diablo 4.
Barbarian is best suited to those who love warriors. Image via Blizzard.

Barbarians are best suited for hard-headed players who want to get up close and personal with enemies. They’re capable of dealing a ton of damage, but can also endure a lot themselves, and have a good balance between offensive and defensive.

Think of them as your run-of-the-mill warrior class, although they can be built in different ways. It also has a simple playstyle compared to others.

Barbarian abilities

Basic Skills

  • Bash: Bash the enemy with your weapon, dealing X [30 percent] damage. After bashing enemies four times, your next Bash will Stun for 1.27 seconds, this increases to two seconds if using a Two-Handed weapon. Generates nine Fury.
  • Flay: Flay the enemy, dealing X [five percent] damage and inflicting X [36 percent] Bleeding damage over five seconds. Generates nine Fury.
  • Frenzy: Unleash a rapid flurry of blows, dealing X [20 percent] damage with each pair of hits. If Frenzy hits an enemy, its Attack Speed is increased by 20 percent for three seconds, up to 60 percent. Generates four Fury
  • Lunging Strike: Lunge forward and strike an enemy for [30 percent] damage.
  • physical damage. Generates nine Fury.

Brawling Skills

  • Charge: Become Unstoppable and rush forward, pushing enemies with you then swinging through them for X [25 percent] damage and Knocking them Back.
  • Kick: Throw a powerful kick that deals X [18 percent] damage and Knocks Back enemies in front of you. Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional [54 percent] damage and are Stunned for three seconds.
  • Leap: Leap forward and then slam down, dealing X [33 percent] damage and Knocking Back surrounding enemies on impact.
  • War Cry: Bellow a mighty war cry, increasing your damage dealt by 15.0 percent for six seconds, and Nearby allies for three seconds.

Core Skills

  • Double Swing: Sweep your weapons from opposite directions, dealing X [36 percent] damage with each weapon. Enemies caught in the center are damaged by both. Costs 25 Fury
  • Hammer of the Ancients: Slam your hammer down with the fury of the Ancients, dealing X [50 percent] damage to a concentrated area. Costs 35 Fury.
  • Rend: Cleave enemies in front of you, dealing X [12 percent] damage and inflicting X [96 percent] Bleeding damage over five seconds.
  • Upheaval: Tear into the ground with your weapon and fling debris forward, dealing X [70 percent] damage. Costs 45 Fury. 
  • Whirlwind: Rapidly attack surrounding enemies for X [17 percent] damage. Costs 25 Fury per second.

Defensive Skills

  • Challenging Shout: Taunt Nearby enemies and gain 40 percent Damage Reduction for six seconds.
  • Ground Stomp: Smash the ground, dealing X [10 percent] damage and Stunning surrounding enemies for three seconds.
  • Rallying Cry: Bellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by 30 percent and Resource Generation by 40 percent for six seconds, and Nearby allies for three seconds.

Ultimate Skills

  • Call of the Ancients: Call upon three Ancients to aid you in battle for six seconds.
    • Korlic leaps at enemies, dealing X [104 percent] damage and swings his weapons in a frenzy, dealing X [39 percent] damage per hit.
    • Talic spins in a whirlwind rapidly attacking enemies for X [65 percent] damage.
    • Madawc upheaves the ground, dealing X [195 percent] damage.
  • Iron Maelstrom: Activate three times to attach chains to each of your weapons and perform an attack:
    • First, your Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon slams into the ground, dealing X [60 percent] damage and Stunning enemies for 2 seconds.
    • Second, your Two-Handed Slashing weapon swipes in front of you, dealing X [20 percent] damage and inflicting X [120 percent] Bleeding damage over five seconds.
    • Third, your Dual Wield weapons swing around you, dealing X [33 percent] damage per hit.
  • Wrath of the Berserker: Explode into rage, Knocking Back surrounding enemies and gaining Berserking and Unstoppable for five seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for five seconds.

Weapon Mastery Skills

  • Death Blow: Attempt a killing strike, dealing X [120 percent] damage to enemies in front of you. If this kills an enemy, its cooldown is reset.
  • Rupture: Skewer enemies in front of you, dealing X [13 percent] damage, then rip your weapon out, damaging enemies for their total Bleeding amount and removing all Bleeding damage from them.
  • Steel Grasp: Throw out a trio of chains that deal X [23 percent] damage and Pull In enemies.

Pros of playing Barbarian in Diablo 4

  • Strong and nimble: Barbarians have a buff called Berserk that gives them 25 percent extra damage and 30 percent more movement speed, which comes in handy as a melee class.
  • Durable: Barbarians are one of the most durable classes in Diablo 4. A lot of their abilities make them exceptionally good at surviving, making them an excellent choice for beginners.
  • Versatile: Barbarians can be built in a number of ways depending on the scenario. For example, one build can focus on dealing damage over time by making enemies bleed, while another build can focus more on cleaving multiple enemies at once with Whirlwind.

Cons of playing Barbarian in Diablo 4

  • Confined to close-quarter combat: The obvious downside of Barbarian is it’s a melee class, which means you’ll need to be right in the thick of the action all the time. This can be an issue against certain bosses and enemies with abilities that can one-shot or combo, and it means you’ll need to be more proactive in dodging.
  • Long cooldowns: Unlike other classes that can spam skills until the cows come home, Barbarians have abilities with longer cooldowns, so they need to be used sparingly.
  • Slow starters: While Sorcerer and Necromancer thrive right out of the gate, Barbarians are notoriously slow starters. It will take some time for them to become powerful.


A Druid in Diablo 4 holding a weapon.
Druids can do it all, but they’re a master of none. Image via Blizzard

Druid is making an emphatic return in Diablo 4 after being largely absent from the series since Diablo 2. In many ways, it’s a class that is a jack-of-all-trades. It can transform into a Werebear and Werewolf to deal damage or absorb it, it can use magic to do all sorts of interesting things, and it can call on companions to aid in battle. It has been the hardest class to play, in my experience—mostly because there’s a lot to it and it doesn’t deal much damage. Still, I’d recommend it for those who want to experience Diablo in a multitude of ways.

Druid abilities

Basic Skills

  • Maul: Shapeshift into a werebear and maul Enemies in front of you, dealing X [20 percent] damage. Generates 14 Spirit.
  • Claw: Shapeshift into a Werewolf and claw at an enemy for X [20 percent] Damage. Generates 10 Spirit.
  • Earth Spike: Sunder the earth, impaling the first enemy hit for X [16 percent] damage. Generates 10 Spirit.
  • Storm Strike: Electricity gathers around your weapon, dealing X [20 percent] damage to your target and chaining to up to three surrounding enemies, dealing 20 percent less damage each time it chains. You Gain 25 percent Damage Reduction for three seconds after dealing damage with Storm Strike.
  • Wind Shear: Conjure a piercing blade of wind, dealing X [17 percent] damage. Generates 12 Spirit.

Core Skills

  • Landslide: Crush enemies between two pillars of earth, dealing up to X [75 percent] damage. Costs 35 Spirit.
  • Lightning Storm: Conjure a growing lightning storm that deals X [32 percent] damage per strike and increases the number of strikes the longer it is channeled up to a maximum of five. Costs 15 Spirit per strike.
  • Pulverize: Shapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing X [50 percent] damage to surrounding enemies. Costs 35 Spirit.
  • Shred: Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform a trio-combo attack. Costs 35 Spirit
    • First Attack: Deal X [25 percent damage.
    • Second Attack: Deal X [35 percent damage.
    • Third Attack: Perform a larger finishing move dealing X [60 percent] damage.
  • Tornado: Conjure a swirling tornado that deals X [35 percent] damage. Costs 40 Spirit.

Defensive Skills

  • Blood Howl: Shapeshift into a Werewolf and howl furiously, restoring 20 percent of your Maximum Life.
  • Cyclone Armor:
    • Passive: Powerful winds surround you, granting 10 percent non-Physical damage reduction.
    • Active: The winds rapidly expand, Knocking Back enemies and dealing X [30 percent] damage.
  • Debilitating Roar: Shapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing Nearby enemies damage dealt by 50 percent for four seconds.
  • Earthen Bulwark: Rocks surround you for three seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs 45 percent of your Base Life in damage.

Companion Skills

  • Ravens:
    • Passive: One Raven flies above you and periodically attacks your enemies for X [13 percent]damage every five seconds.
    • Active: The target area is swarmed with ravens, dealing X [160 percent damage over six seconds.
  • Poison Creeper:
    • Passive: A poison creeper periodically emerges from the ground every seven seconds and applies X [36 percent] Poisoning damage over six seconds to an enemy in the area.
    • Active: Vines strangle all surrounding enemies, Immobilizing them for two seconds and poisoning them for X [90 percent damage over two seconds.
  • Wolves
    • Passive: Summon two wolf companions that bite enemies for X [eight percent damage.
    • Active: Direct the wolves to focus an enemy, leaping to them and striking for X [110 percent] damage.

Ultimate Skills

  • Cataclysm: A massive storm follows you for eight seconds. Tornadoes knock back enemies, and lightning strikes wildly dealing X [52 percent] damage.
  • Grizzly Rage: Shapeshift into Dire Werebear for 10 seconds gaining 20 percent bonus damage and 20 percent damage reduction. Damage bonus is increased by three percent each second while in this form. Kills extend the duration by one second up to 10 additional seconds.
  • Lacerate: Shapeshift into a Werewolf, become Immune and quickly dash 10 times between enemies in the area dealing up to X [400 percent] damage.
  • Petrify: Encase all Nearby enemies in stone, Stunning them for three seconds. You deal 25 percent increased Critical Strike Damage to enemies affected by Petrify. Against Bosses, the Critical Strike Damage Bonus is increased to 50 percent and its duration is increased to 6 seconds.

Wrath Skills

  • Boulder: Unearth a large rolling boulder that Knocks Back and crushes enemies, dealing X [33 percent] damage with each hit.
  • Hurricane: Form a hurricane around you that deals X [97 percent] damage to surrounding enemies over eight seconds.
  • Rabies: Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform an infectious bite on the target dealing X [28 percent] damage, and applying an additional X [53 percent] Poisoning damage over six seconds. Infected enemies spread Rabies to other surrounding targets.
  • Trample: Shapeshift into a Werebear, become Unstoppable, and charge forward, dealing X [75 percent] damage and Knocking Back enemies. Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional X [45 percent] damage and are Stunned for three seconds.

Pros of playing Druid in Diablo 4

  • Ability to transform: Druids can change their physical form from a human to a Werebear or Werewolf, which looks and feels amazing to do. Those who have always wanted to be a shapeshifter will love this class.

Cons of playing Druid in Diablo 4

  • Weak: Druids are, without a doubt, the lowest damage-dealing class. The output is dismal, and although they can be fun, don’t expect to turn heads with your numbers.
  • Poor resource management: Druids are very reliant on using resources—some of which are needed to use skills. Being unable to do so at a crucial time can be incredibly frustrating.


A Necromancer class character in Diablo 4 looking imposing.
Necromancers have been popular in previous titles. Image via Blizzard.

Necromancer has been a staple class in the franchise since its inception in Diablo 2. There are four different ways to play it, including Bone, Darkness, Blood, and The Army. Bone is all about dealing physical damage. Darkness uses spells to deal damage over time. Blood focuses on using vampiric spells to become tanky and survivable. The Army, which is my personal favorite, lets you use summoned corpses and monsters to do your bidding.


Basic Skills

  • Bone Splinters: Fire three Bone Splinters, dealing X [eight percent] damage each. Each subsequent time an enemy is hit by the same cast of Bone Splinters, you gain one Essence. Generates six Essence.
  • Decompose: Tear the flesh from an enemy, dealing X [30 percent] damage per second and forming a usable Corpse with the flesh every 2.5 second. Generates eight Essence per second.
  • Hemorrhage: Burst an enemy’s blood, dealing X [25 percent] damage. Hemorrhage has a 20 percent chance to form a Blood Orb. Generates eight Essence.
  • Reap: Sweep an ethereal scythe in front of you, dealing X [12 percent] damage. Hitting an enemy with Reap increases your Damage Reduction by 15 percent for two seconds. Generates four Essence per enemy hit.

Core Skills

  • Blight: Unleash concentrated blight that deals X [30 percent] damage and leaves behind a defiled area, dealing X [80 percent] damage over six seconds. Costs 25 Essence.
  • Blood Lance: Throw a blood lance that lingers in an enemy for three seconds, dealing X [68 percent] damage to the enemy and all other lanced enemies. Costs 15 Essence.
  • Blood Surge: Draw blood from enemies, dealing X [20 percent] damage, and expel a blood nova, dealing X [50 percent] damage. Blood Surge’s nova damage is increased by 10 percent per enemy drained, up to 50 percent. Costs 20 Essence.
  • Bone Spear: Conjure a bone spear from the ground, dealing X [85 percent] damage and piercing through enemies. Costs 25 Essence.
  • Sever: A specter of you charges forward and attacks with its scythe for X [63 percent] damage then returns to you and attacks again for X [21 percent] damage. Costs 20 Essence.

Corpse & Macabre Skills

  • Blood Mist: Disperse into a bloody mist, becoming Immune for three seconds. Your Movement Speed is reduced by 20 percent and you periodically deal X [2 percent] damage to enemies and Healing for 0.5 percent of your Maximum Life.
  • Bone Prison: Unearth a prison of bone with 186 Life that surrounds the target area for six seconds.
  • Corpse Explosion: Detonate a Corpse, dealing X [50 percent] damage to surrounding enemies.

Curse Skills

  • Decrepify: Curse the target area. Enemies afflicted by Decrepify are Slowed by 40 percent and deal 20 percent less damage for 10 seconds. Costs 10 Essence.
  • Iron Maiden: Curse the target area. Enemies afflicted by Iron Maiden take X [10 percent] damage each time they deal direct damage. Lasts 10 seconds. Costs 10 Essence.

Corpse & Macabre (2nd Cluster) Skills

  • Bone Spirit: Consume all of your Essence to conjure a spirit of bone that seeks enemies. Upon reaching an enemy, the spirit explodes, dealing X [80 percent] damage to the target and all surrounding enemies. Damage is increased by three percent for each point of Essence spent casting Bone Spirit.
  • Corpse Tendrils: Veins burst out of a Corpse, Pulling in enemies, Stunning them for three seconds, and dealing 20 percent damage to them. Does not consume the corpse.

Ultimate Skills

  • Army of the Dead: Call forth the deep buried dead. Volatile Skeletons emerge over the next seven seconds that explode when around enemies, dealing X [30 percent] damage.
  • Blood Wave: Conjure a tidal wave of blood that deals X [90 percent] damage and Knocks Back enemies.
  • Bone Storm: A swirling storm of bones appears around you and your Golem, dealing X [180 percent] to surrounding enemies over 10 seconds.

Pros of playing Necromancer in Diablo 4

  • Efficient: Necromancers are incredibly efficient when it comes to clearing large packs of mobs. Sorcerers might be better at doing it overall, but Necromancers are arguably faster.
  • Strong single-target damage: Despite being excellent mob clearers, Necromancers also excel at single-target damage, making them very strong against bosses.
  • Survivable: Necromancers have the ability to divert the attention of enemies onto summoned units, which makes them very good at surviving.

Cons of playing Necromancer in Diablo 4

  • Reliant on summons: Necromancers are only good as their summons. Without them, they only have a fraction of their strength and utility. Plus, you won’t be able to divert aggro from enemies onto them, which is what makes a Necromancer so survivable. So, if you’re not someone who wants to deal with summons, steer clear of this class.


A rogue class character in Diablo 4 with a bow strapped to its back.
Rogues are an excellent choice for those after versatility. Image via Blizzard.

Rogue is a stealthy class whose skill set and playstyle revolves around being quick and nimble. It can be built in a number of ways. It can thrive in close quarters using daggers and swords, or it can be a ranged sharpshooter using bows and traps. If you want, it can even be a hybrid of the two. As someone who has played every iteration of Diablo, my assessment is it’s something between Amazon from Diablo 2 and Demon Hunter from Diablo 3.


Basic Skills

  • Blade Shift: Quickly stab your victim for X [15 percent] damage and shift, allowing you to move freely through enemies for three seconds. Generates one Combo Point.
  • Forceful Arrow: Fire a powerful arrow at an enemy, dealing X [20 percent] damage. Every third cast makes the enemy vulnerable for two seconds. Generates one Combo Point.
  • Heartseeker: Fire an arrow that seeks an enemy, dealing X [22 percent] damage and increasing your Critical Strike Chance against them by three percent for four seconds, up to 15 percent. Generates one Combo Point.
  • Invigorating Strike: Melee Attack an enemy, dealing X [23 percent] damage and increasing Energy Regeneration by 20 percent for three seconds. Generates one Combo Point.
  • Puncture: Throw blades a short distance, dealing X [21 percent] damage. Every third cast Slows enemies by 20 percent for two seconds. Critical Strikes will always Slow. Generates one Combo Point.

Core Skills

  • Barrage: Unleash a barrage of five arrows that expands outwards, each dealing X [21 percent] damage. Each arrow has a 20 percent chance to ricochet off an enemy up to one time. Ricochets deal 40 percent of the arrow‘s Base damage. Costs 10 Energy. Combo Points increase damage and arrows fired:
    • One Point: X [25 percent] damage, six arrows
    • Two Points: X [29 percent] damage, seven arrows
    • Three Points: X [33 percent] damage, eight arrows
  • Flurry: Unleash a flurry of stabs and slashes, striking enemies in front of you four times and dealing a total of X [60 percent] damage to each. Combo Points increase damage and grant an Attack Speed bonus. Costs 25 Energy
    • 1 Point: X [75 percent] damage, 15 percent bonus
    • 2 Points: X [90 percent] damage, 30 percent bonus
    • 3 Points: X [105 percent] damage, 45 percent bonus
  • Penetrating Shot: Fire an arrow that pierces through all enemies in a line, dealing X [70 percent] damage. Combo Points increase damage and improve Lucky Hit Chance. Costs 35 Energy.
    • One Point: X [91 percent] damage, 10 percent bonus
    • Two Points: X [112 percent] damage, 20 percent bonus
    • Three Points: X [133 percent] damage, 30 percent bonus
  • Rapid Fire: Rapidly fire 5 arrows, each dealing X [24 percent] damage.
  • Combo Points increase damage and arrows are fired. Costs 25 Energy.
    • One Point: X [26 percent] damage, six arrows
    • Two Points: X [29 percent] damage, seven arrows
    • Three Points: X [34 percent] damage, eight arrows
  • Twisting Blades: Impale an enemy with your blades, dealing X [45 percent] damage and making them take eight percent increased damage from you while impaled. After 1.5 seconds the blades return to you, piercing enemies for X [72 percent] damage. Combo Points increase damage and grant a Movement Speed bonus:
    • One Point: X [58 percent] damage, 20 percent bonus
    • Two Points: X [72 percent] damage, 40 percent] bonus
    • Three Points: X [86 percent] damage, 60 percent bonus

Weapon Imbue Skills

  • Cold Imbuement: Imbue your weapons with frigid energies. Your next two Imbueable Skills deal Cold damage and Chill enemies for 25 percent per hit.
  • Poison Imbuement: Imbue your weapons with lethal poison. Your next two Imbueable Skills deal Poison damage and apply 70 percent of their Base damage as additional Poisoning damage over five seconds.
  • Shadow Imbuement: Imbue your weapons with festering shadows. Your next two Imbueable Skills deal Shadow damage and infect enemies for six seconds. Infected enemies explode on death, dealing X [40 percent] damage to all surrounding enemies. If the infection expires before the enemy dies, it will deal X [40 percent] damage to only that enemy.

Agility Skills

  • Caltrops: Leap backwards and throw caltrops on the ground, dealing X [30 percent] damage and Slowing enemies by 50 percent. Lasts six seconds. Has two charges.
  • Dash: Dash forward and slash enemies for X [37 percent] damage. Has two charges.
  • Shadow Step: Become Unstoppable and quickly move through the shadows to stab your victim from behind for X [72 percent] damage. Gain 50 percent increased Movement Speed for two seconds afterwards.


  • Concealment: Vanish from sight, gaining an advanced form of Stealth for four seconds that will not be removed by taking damage. Concealment also makes you Unstoppable, grants 30 percent Movement Speed, and allows you to move freely through enemies for its duration. Using an attack Skill during Concealment will break Concealment.
  • Dark Shroud: Surround yourself with up to five protective shadows. Gain eight percent Damage Reduction per active shadow. Each time you take direct damage, that damage is reduced and a shadow is consumed.
  • Poison Trap: Place a trap that arms after 1.25 seconds. It activates when an enemy moves within range, applying X [344 percent] Poisoning damage over 9 seconds to enemies in the area. You can have four armed traps out at once.
  • Smoke Grenade: Throw a smoky concoction at enemies that dazes them for four seconds

Ultimate Skills

  • Death Trap: Place a trap that arms after 1.25 seconds. It activates when an enemy moves within range, dealing a total of X [250 percent] damage to each enemy in the area.
  • Rain of Arrows: Arrows rain down over a large area two times, each wave dealing X [100 percent] damage.
  • Shadow Clone: Your Shadow mimicks your actions for 15 Seconds.
  • The shadow deals 60 percent of your damage.

Pros of playing Rogue in Diablo 4

  • Damage: Rogues are one of the highest damage-dealing classes in Diablo 4. They’re capable of dealing an absurd amount due to the combination of their skills and passives.
  • Maneuverable: Unlike other classes that tend to be on the slower side, Rogues are incredibly agile. They can dive and dodge their way through battle, making it hard for enemies to hit them.
  • Versatile: Rogue offers the best of both worlds when it comes to using melee or ranged. The addition of traps and imbued weapons also allows players to tweak them any way they want.

Cons of playing Rogue in Diablo 4

  • Glass cannons: The flipside of being able to deal a ton of damage is Rogues don’t have a lot of health and armor. They can die easily, especially in close-range combat.
  • Dependent on positioning: For that reason, Rogues are reliant on good positioning. This applies if using a ranged weapon, too—perhaps even more so. One wrong move or delay could be the difference between life and death.


A sorcerer in the character selection screen in Diablo 4.
Sorcerers use magic to deal a ton of damage. Image via Blizzard.

If you’re after a ranged nuker mage class, look no further than Sorcerer. As a master of elements including Fire, Cold, and Lightning, it can use a combination of them to decimate large clusters of enemies in your many Diablo 4 adventures. It doesn’t have a lot of health or damage reduction, but it’s a glass cannon with plenty of survivability thanks to its ability to move around and control enemies with ease.


Basic Skills

  • Arc Lash: Unleash arcing lightning that deals X [42 percent] damage to enemies in front of you. Every 10 times Arc Lash swipes, it Stuns all enemies hit for two seconds. Enchantment Effect When you use a Cooldown, enemies around you are Stunned for 0.5 seconds. Enchantment Effect When you use a Cooldown, enemies around you are Stunned for 0.5 seconds.
  • Fire Bolt: Hurl a flaming bolt, dealing X [10 percent] damage and Burning for X [40 percent] over 8 seconds. Enchantment Effect Direct damage from Skills applies up to an additional X [23 percent] Burning damage over 8 seconds.
  • Enchantment Effect Direct damage from Skills applies up to an additional X [23 percent] Burning damage over eight seconds.
  • Frost Bolt: Throw a bolt of frost at an enemy, dealing X [35 percent] damage and Chilling them for 15 percent. Enchantment Effect Direct damage from Skills applies up to 15 percent Chill. Enchantment Effect Direct damage from Skills applies up to 15 percent Chill.
  • Spark: Launch a bolt of lightning that shocks an enemy four times, dealing X [eight percent] damage each hit. Enchantment Effect Killing an enemy has a 10 percent chance to form a Crackling Energy. Enchantment Effect Killing an enemy has a 10 percent chance to form a Crackling Energy.

Core Skills

  • Chain Lightning: Unleash a stream of lightning that deals X [36 percent] damage and chains between Nearby enemies and you up to 6 times, prioritizing enemies. Enchantment Effect Chain Lightning forms automatically after spending 100 Mana. Costs 35 Mana.
  • Charged Bolts: Release five bolts of lightning that course along the ground in an erratic pattern, dealing X [28 percent] damage each. Enchantment Effect When you Stun an enemy, there’s a 40 percent chance to release three Charged Bolts from them. Costs 30 Mana.
  • Fireball: Hurl an exploding ball of fire, dealing X [60 percent] damage to surrounding enemies. Enchantment Effect When you kill an enemy, they explode in a Fireball for 50 percent of its damage. Enchantment Effect When you kill an enemy, they explode in a Fireball for 50 percent of its damage. Costs 40 Mana.
  • Frozen Orb: Unleash an orb that Chills for 34 percent and expels piercing shards, dealing a total of X [32 percent] damage. Upon expiration, Frozen Orb explodes, dealing X [29 percent] damage and Chilling enemies for nine percent. Enchantment Effect When you cast a Non-Basic Skill, you have a 20 percent chance to launch a Frozen Orb at a Nearby enemy. Costs 40 Mana.
  • Ice Shards: Launch 5 shards that deal X [25 percent] damage each. Deals 25 percent] increased damage to Frozen enemies. Enchantment Effect Ice Shards automatically conjure and fly towards Frozen enemies. Costs 30 Mana.
  • Incinerate: Channel a beam of fire, Burning enemies for X [49 percent] damage per second. Damage per second increases over 4 seconds, up to X [66 percent]. Enchantment Effect Every 20 seconds, a serpent spawns and incinerates enemies for six seconds. Costs 25 Mana per second.

Defensive Skills

  • Flame Shield: Engulf yourself in flames for two seconds, Burning surrounding enemies for X [40 percent] damage per second. While Flame Shield is active, you are Immune. Enchantment Effect Flame Shield automatically activates when you take fatal damage. Can only happen once every 120 seconds.
  • Frost Nova: Unleash a torrent of frost, Freezing enemies around you for two seconds. Enchantment Effect Lucky Hit: Your Conjuration Skills have a 30 percent chance to unleash a Frost Nova when hitting enemies.
  • Ice Armor: A Barrier of ice forms around you for six seconds, absorbing 30 percent of your Base Life (126) in damage. While Ice Armor is active, 10 percent of your damage dealt is added to its Barrier. Enchantment Effect Upon getting hit, you have a five percent chance to apply Ice Armor.
  • Teleport: Transform into lightning, becoming  Unstoppable and surging to the target location, dealing X [25 percent] damage around you upon arrival. Enchantment Effect Evade is replaced with a short range Teleport on a 17.0 second Cooldown.


  • Hydra: Summon a three-headed Hydra for 10.0 seconds. Each head spits fire at a Nearby enemy, dealing X [12 percent] damage.
  • Maximum 1 active Hydras at a time. Enchantment Effect After spending 300 Mana, a five-headed Hydra spawns for five seconds. Costs 20 Mana.
  • Ice Blades: Conjure a pair of ice blades for six seconds that rapidly slash enemies for X [23 percent] damage and have a 30 percent chance to make them Vulnerable for two seconds. Enchantment Effect For every 20 seconds in Cooldowns you spend, you spawn an Ice Blades on a random enemy.
  • Lightning Spear: Conjure a spear of lightning that seeks out enemies for six seconds, dealing X [15 percent] damage per hit. Enchantment Effect Absorbing Cracking Energy has a 10 percent chance to conjure a Lightning Spear.

Mastery Skills

  • Ball Lightning: Discharge a ball of lightning that slowly moves forward, continually zapping enemies for X [18 percent] damage. Enchantment Effect Lucky Hit: Critical strikes have a 25 percent chance to spawn a static Ball Lightning. Costs 50 Mana.
  • Blizzard: Summon a frigid blizzard that deals X [120 percent] damage and continually Chills enemies for 18 percent over eight seconds. Enchantment Effect Every 15 seconds, a Blizzard forms over you and follows you for six seconds. Costs 40 Mana.
  • Firewall: Create a wall of flames that burns enemies for X [160 percent] damage over eight seconds. Enchantment Effect Each time an enemy takes Burning damage, there’s a five percent chance to spawn two Firewalls underneath them for three seconds. Costs 30 Mana.
  • Meteor: Summon a meteor that strikes the target location, dealing X [80 percent] damage and Burning the ground for X [35 percent] damage over three seconds. Enchantment Effect Lucky Hit: three percent chance for a Meteor to fall on enemies. Costs 40 Mana.

Ultimate Skills

  • Deep Freeze: Encase yourself in ice, becoming Immune for four seconds, continually dealing X [13 percent] damage, and Chilling enemies for 20 percent. When Deep Freeze expires, it deals an additional 31 [100 percent] damage. Casting Deep Freeze again ends the effect early.
  • Inferno: Summon a fiery serpent that continually constricts the target area, Burning enemies for X [295 percent] damage over eight seconds.
  • Unstable Currents: Lightning surges within you for 10 seconds. Whenever you cast a Shock Skill, a random Core, Conjuration, or Mastery Shock Skill is also cast.

Pros of playing Sorcerer in Diablo 4

  • Crowd controlling and AoE: Sorcerers have a number of abilities that allow them to control and kill large packs of mobs. No other class even comes close.
  • Mobile: Sorcerers have a few abilities that help them move in and out of battle with ease. This means they’re no longer slow, which had always been their weakness. In fact, they’re almost on par with Rogue in terms of mobility.
  • Easy to avoid death: Given how mobile they are and the fact they can crowd control well, Sorcerers tend to die a lot less than other classes. They have so many tools at their disposal to avoid death. 

Cons of playing Sorcerer in Diablo 4

  • Dependent on mana: Sorcerers use mana for their skills, and a lot of it. This means you’ll always have to worry about stocking up on extra potions, since running out at a bad time can often end in disaster.
  • Struggles in close quarters: Sorcerers thrive from a distance, but they’re very easily overwhelmed in close quarters. That’s why it’s so important to create a gap and keep it.
Image of Alex Tsiaoussidis
Alex Tsiaoussidis
Staff Writer for Dot Esports. I am a passionate gamer with years of experience covering all things gaming, esports, and streaming. I have extra love for Dota 2, Pokémon, and Apex Legends.