How to counter The Plague in Dead by Daylight

Even the Plague can be sterilized.

The Plague is one of the oldest killers in Dead by Daylight.
Image via Behaviour Interactive

If you’re feeling sick from the overwhelming power of The Plague in Dead by Daylight. Well, you’re certainly not alone. 

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Being one of the oldest killers of Dead by DaylightAdiris, also known as The Plague, has a fascinating killer design. She spreads her infection to the players by vomiting, giving two ultimate options. They can either cleanse their sickness at one of the Pools of Devotion, giving the killer access to a very powerful ranged ability to damage players or choose not to heal and become a literal loudspeaker by constantly announcing their location to the killer by vomiting all over the map.

If you’re also stuck on whether you should heal from her sickness or speedrun the generators in her matches. We’ve got you covered with the best strategies you can adopt to counter The Plague in Dead by Daylight.

How to deal with The Plague in Dead by Daylight

Adiris is the Plague who was worshiped in Babylon.
People worshiped Adiris in Babylon. Image via Behaviour Interactive

The Plague’s strengths come from her unique perks. One of these perks, Corrupt Intervention, allows her to disable three generators located far from her. While players can use this information to discover the killer’s spawning point, it also makes it easier for Plague to find players working on the nearby generators. The Plague also has the Dark Devotion and Infectious Fright perks, which make it easier for her to gain information on survivors while someone is down and allow her to become undetectable for a time to jump on the survivors. 

The signature ability of Plague is a Vile Purge, a vomiting ability that infects people and forces them to use the Devotion pool. After accessing one of these used pools of Devotion, she gains access to Corrupt Purge, which lets her vomit a projectile that damages survivors. 

Best Perks against The Plague in DBD

Plague chasing a player in Dead by Daylight.
The Plague vomits everywhere to spread her infection. Image via Behaviour Interactive

While there are numerous good perks that make you a well-rounded survivor in Dead by Daylight, here are some that directly counter the Plague’s playstyle.

Survivor PerksDescription
Resilience Increases your action speeds in repair, healing, sabotaging, unhooking, vaulting, cleaning, blessing, opening, and unlocking by 3/6/9 % when in the injured state. This perk is a must-have against Plague, ensuring that even after you get infected and get injured by her vomit, you don’t slow down.
Sprint BurstGrants a +50 percent Haste Status Effect for three seconds while running. This perk should help you escape Vile Purge and outrun Plague.
Prove Thyself For every other Survivor repairing a Generator within 4 meters, Prove Thyself increases your repair speed by 6/8/10 %, up to a maximum of 18/24/30 %. Rushing generators is a great way of powering your exit doors sooner and going out to escape before your infection gets worse.
Kindred The Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you if the killer hooks anyone, including you. Moreover, if you are close to the killer, you can see them as well, giving you a significant advantage while playing around with the killer.

Best strategy against The Plague in DBD

A player is trying to remove the infection that she gained from The Plague.
Survivors using the Pool of Devotion to cleanse their infection. Image via Behaviour Interactive

Here are the best strategies against the Plague in Dead by Daylight.

Stay undercover
Hiding from The Plague is probably one of the ideal strategies against her because the later you catch the infection in the match, the better your chances are to complete the generators and escape the map. 

Teamwork makes the dreamwork
If you work separately against The Plague, she will pick on you and slowly start infecting everything, making the place a living hell. So coordinate your approach; if it is an aggressive generator undertaking, ensure everyone is getting infected and cleansing simultaneously to reset her pools of Devotion. If you don’t want to wash the infection, it must be a team effort. Otherwise, it will backfire pretty quickly when a player cleanses in the early game and gives Plague access to her damage-dealing Corrupt Purge. 

Be mindful of spreading infection
Beware of everything you touch while being infected. You can spread your infection to other healthy players. So be mindful of the infected generators, and if you’re healthy, avoid working at the same generator as the infections to prevent making The Plague’s life easier. 

Cleanse in the periphery, not in the center
Now, if you’re the only one infected and want to cleanse yourself immediately and help the team. Only do that by washing in a pool of Devotion far away from the other survivors and the other periphery of the map. Doing this should have Plague travel to the wrong side to get access to her Corrupt Purge, and you can quickly flee to help your teammates, buying some time for your team.

Avoid Corrupt Purge
Inevitably, if Plague gets access to her Corrupt Purge, it will be time to avoid her at all costs and maybe even stop working actively on generations. Unlike Vile Purge, her vomit will also deal damage now, which can devastate your team. However, it has a cooldown of a minute, so avoiding her till then will increase your chances of winning the match. 

Now that you’ve countered The Plague, learn how to counter one of the fastest killers, Wesker, in Dead by Daylight.

Image of Rijit Banerjee
Rijit Banerjee
Staff Writer at Dot Esports. You'll find him grinding platinum trophies and breaking the meta with his "fun" picks in the ranked queue when he's not reading his favourite Fantasy books. Previously wrote for GG Recon, ESTNN, and many more. Contact: