CSPPA and ESL agree on safety ‘protocols’ as ‘big step’ for return of LAN events


Image via Valve

The Counter-Strike Professional Players’ Association and ESL Gaming have agreed on “detailed protocols” that will allow players to return to LAN events “as soon as possible,” the CSPPA announced today.

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CSPPA first signaled an intent to allow its players to return to LAN on Oct. 9, engaging in discussions with various tournament organizers such as ESL and DreamHack. The current arrangement lays out protocols such as COVID-19 testing procedures before and during the event, readied actions in the case of positive results, and creating a controlled environment among players and other involved personnel.

“The players are eager to play LAN events again, but only if it can be done in a safe and responsible manner,” CSPPA CEO Mads Øland said. “It is our hope that with the guidance of these protocols, the players will be able to compete on LAN in early 2021.”

This announcement signifies a big step toward the return of fully offline ESL Pro Tour events, such as the upcoming 13th season of ESL Pro League, DreamHack Masters, and ESL One tournaments. The next Pro Tour event, IEM Katowice 2021, is set to be played in a studio environment without a live audience.

Image of Dexter Tan Guan Hao
Dexter Tan Guan Hao
An e-sports, fiction, and comics fanatic through and through, you can find him sipping a nice, hot cup of tea while playing Dota 2 with the few friends that he has. Or don't find him at all. He'll prefer it that way.