Best grenade spots in Mirage CS2 map

It's a timeless classic.

A dusty palace with palm trees and small structures on Mirage in Counter-Strike 2.
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CS2 is here and with it a whole new take on utility for the franchise. Smokes are the name of the game this time, with Valve completely changing up how smokes work in the latest Counter-Strike sequel. And of all CS2 maps, it is essential players brush up on their Mirage utility the most.

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Mirage has overtaken Dust 2 as the most-played map in Counter-Strike history, with solid utility a quintessential part of succeeding on the map. As Valve only gave Mirage a touch-up and not a full overhaul in CS2, most of the smokes you’ll remember should transition across.

But if you’ve forgotten or are new to Mirage and CS2, we’ve got you covered with the basics. We’ve focused solely on smokes in this guide, but expect an update down the track with a few key flashes and Molotovs.

The best grenade spots on Mirage

A Site

The classic A smoke execute. These smokes are not recommended knowledge, but it is necessary to know before even considering hitting up ranked or Premier mode in CS2. Players even in lower ranks know one or two of them, while experts and pros have memorized multiple ways to throw even just one smoke in particular.

Make sure your jumpthrow bind is operational and working, as you’ll need it for a bulk of these smokes.


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One of the three main A execute smokes, this smoke covers off the gap between jungle and connector. It is best paired with the stairs smoke below to ensure the entire right side of the map is cut off. Jump up onto the raised platform towards T stairs, line up with the center pillar, and turn around, throwing the smoke in the gap where the pylon meets the roof.


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One of the easiest smokes to throw in Counter-Strike, the Mirage stairs smoke should be thrown alongside a jungle smoke to ensure complete coverage toward the jungle and middle of the map. Line up with the center of the wooden pillar above, then throw the smoke in the gap between the scaffolding. Be careful not to throw the grenade too high—you want it to bounce off the sandwich box.


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The final smoke in the trilogy is arguably the most important. Most AWPers will hold from CT or ticket booth, so smoking off the ground angle, at the very least, is essential. Line up with the middle of the wall, turn and face the bombsite, aim at the end of the wooden post high up in the sky, then jumpthrow.

All three at once

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Thanks to the ability to drop grenades to allies, plus the removal of the skybox across most of Mirage in CS2, it’s actually possible to solo smoke execute onto the A bombsite. At the very least, know the three above, but if you’re willing to try something a little special, have your teammates set up for a B site hit while you throw all the smokes and flashes possible on A to sell a fake.

Thanks to CS LAB on YouTube for lining these up and proving one person can feel like an army with the right setup.


No matter the map, taking mid control should be the name of the game for both CTs and Ts. Mirage is no different; however, the Ts have a slight advantage thanks to how versatile their options are from their spawn.


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The mid window is a key spot for a CT AWPer to hold from, and in most cases, they’ll win out the race to control mid. Smoking it off as soon as you spawn, however, might give you the edge you need on T side. Head to the door, turn around and crouch. Hold your crosshair at the top of the plastic chair, then begin walking forward. As soon as your crosshair hits the bottom of the seat, execute your jumpthrow.

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There are so many ways to smoke mid from T spawn. I personally use the above strafing method near the bin. Line up just below the black dot on the wood, then while holding A to strafe left, hit the jumpthrow just before your crosshair reaches the balcony. It takes some practice, but you can hit it consistently.

Top Mid

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The top mid smoke should be thrown in almost any situation. Blocking off the CT sight line from short, mid window, and connector to top mid all but guarantees you control of half of mid straight up. From behind the boxes, you can then set up more flashes and smokes to continue barrelling down mid. Jump onto the bin, turn around, and aim at the tip of the main antenna on the right. No jumpthrow required for this one.

Mid Connector

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Like the window smoke, there are plenty of ways to smoke the mid connector. Thanks to the volumetric smoke changes, you don’t need to be as accurate as you used to for this one. Head over to the corner near the gate at T spawn, then aim for the bottom center of the rug. Jumpthrow, and it should land a couple of steps up to block out anyone peeking at top mid or underpass.


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Smoking off short essentially denies the CT’s access to mid through B and forces them to head to A the long way around via spawn. It also enables the T’s to better take bottom mid and even boost into the window for a fast take through jungle or market.

Line up in the corner at T spawn and aim at the top of the window, dead center. Jumpthrow, then wait a moment for the smoke to pop at short, blocking off all vision from ladder room, too. Be careful they don’t boost onto the shortbox above the smoke.

CT spawn to mid, Astralis style

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The almighty Danish squad Astralis found a unique smoke to turn the tables on the T side, allowing the CT’s to take fast mid control and compress the T’s toward each bombsite. Head to the back corner of CT spawn, and aim at the power lines.

Start running, but just before your crosshair hits the building, hit Shift to slow down, then jumpthrow as your cross is in the center of the blue wall of the building. If you’ve thrown it right, it’ll block off the entire T ramp to mid pathway.

B Site

Rushing B again? Why not try with a smoke or two this time? Blocking off key points of the much smaller B bombsite forces CTs or Ts into one-and-done spots. Clear them out as a team once they’ve tucked in, or delay them long enough to force a save.

The beauty of most of these smokes is they can all be thrown from the same spot in T apartments.

B Site Door

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Head over to the corner, tuck yourself in, then turn and aim at the panel directly above the center window of the right side of the tower. Jumpthrow, and your smoke will land right at the door to B site. This, combined with a well-timed rush, can instantly limit the CT retake to short as they’ll have to wait in market until the smoke clears.

B Site Window

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Use this in tandem with the door smoke to lock CTs out from market entirely. The bloom from the new smokes makes these even more constricting. From the same spot, aim at the top corner of the tower and jumpthrow. This one takes a while to land and bloom, but it will fall just inside or in front of the window.

B Site Default

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Sometimes, landing a smoke on the default plant spot on B is required. I tend to call an A fake, then have the B player solo with the bomb throw this smoke, then plant in it. We’ll see if the same strategy works in CS2 now that explosive grenades blow away smoke for a short moment, but you never know.

Line up with the center of the pink window, then turn and throw this smoke halfway between the power lines and the middle of the roof. The smoke will land directly on the bombsite.

Bench and Jail

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Holding from the back of B site is common when playing CT, and when defending a planted bomb on T. Thus, if retaking from the apartments is your plan, you might want to smoke off the pillar and completely block the vision of anyone playing back there.

Head back to the main spot and aim for the window on the right, at the base of the center rectangular panel. Jumpthrow and wait a moment for the smoke to bloom. Follow up with a molotov to push the player back to door or the opposite pillar.

B Short

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We don’t want to forget anyone playing or rotating in from short. This smoke should land right between the shortbox toward mid and the pillar close to GeT_RiGhT, the position named after the famous Swedish legend himself.

Line up in the regular spot and aim for the sky as close to the main tower as possible, just on its left. You won’t need to jumpthrow this one, and it lands and blooms pretty quickly, so throw it and rush immediately after. Just make sure to clear GeT_RiGhT itself directly under the apps window.

Stay tuned, as we’ll undoubtedly have more smokes, flashes, and molotovs for Mirage to add as players become accustomed to life in CS2.

Image of Nicholas Taifalos
Nicholas Taifalos
Weekend editor for Dot Esports. Nick, better known as Taffy, began his esports career in commentary, switching to journalism with a focus on Oceanic esports, particularly Counter-Strike and Dota. Email: