WSOW leaderboard: Standings and results for World Series of Warzone Global Final

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Image via Activision

The World Series of Warzone is well underway, but I find it can be pretty daunting to keep up with all of the players and their squads without a WSOW 2023 leaderboard. So I made one.

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There’s so much to play for, most importantly the massive prize pools. In the regional stage finals, the teams competed for $150,000, while the Last Chance Qualifier (LCQ) tournaments granted five teams from each region to earn the last spots at the $500,000 Global Final in London.

Enough rambling from me, though. Let us have a look at the up-to-date WSOW 2023 leaderboard. All scores and placings are courtesy of the World Series of Warzone.

WSOW 2023 leaderboard

WSOW Final top 25 standings – Sept. 16

RankTeamScore (* indicates map victory)Prize
FirstBiffle, Sage & Shifty218.2**$100,000
SecondHisokaT42, Skullface & Mayappo143.4*$80,000
ThirdAlmond, newbz & Tommey139.4$65,000
FourthDeus Amir, Castillo & zDark125.8$50,000
FifthWarsZ, V8 KINGAJ & PrxdigyEU_102.2$36,000
SixthJoeWo, bbreadman & Lymax102.2$24,000
SeventhBraxtvn, empathy & Finessen99.8*$18,000
Eighthboogs, Benzei & stukex92.8$15,000
NinthStewo, Patzukka & Enxiun80.2$12,000
10thJukeyz, iVisionSR & Lenun76.4*$10,000
11thabWizz, OEKIY & Fifakill68.8$9,500
12thIntechs, Braalik & BuLieVe68.6$9,000
13thAydan, hateadriann & Rated66.0$8,500
14thiZundGod, KingMatii & Rodr1qo63.8$8,000
15thLukinas, Horid & HardTrevs63.4$7,500
16thDestroy, ClutchBelk & ZLaner62.4*$7,000
17thTheDezmond, NiicoInfinite & Crowder61.8$6,500
18thHusKerrs, MuTeX & JezuzJr61.2$6,000
19thelolam, Jtecc & Tenux-60.6$5,500
20thMethodZSicK, CamZzz17 & DagaT160.4$5,000
21stClowhn, fried & cEighth58.8$4,500
22ndvonbot, Knofoe & Dongy57.2$4,000
23rdroocket, Zachar & M00RPHEUS57.0$3,500
24thItsCored, HalloW & ZaaKK756.6$3,000
25thsavyultras90, BBlade & Waartex55.8$2,500

NA LCQ top 25 standings – July 27

RankTeamScore (* indicates map victory)
FirstBraalik, Intechs & BuLieVe97.8
SecondNatedoggbeast, Tappa & Rxulツ97.4*
ThirdReedr, Authorized & Luvey93.0*
FourthUser85839181, Clowhn & munch87.0
FifthMuTeX, JezuzJr & HusKerrs85.2
Sixthprospect, OMiT Otter & Sulitify79.2
SeventhTD Deniro, Juju 乂 & Locksteel77.2
Eighthqrissy, Gooey & clayxsd69.8*
NinthWatchWaldo, treq & Colony2k69.6
10thDezmond, NicoInfinite & Crowder68.0*
11thUnRationaL, User69220066 & ForeignJase66.2
12thXenoN, EmRias & blaztcitys65.4
13thLonnerdd, sitrehp & sin60.4
14thExify, Ahzvm & SlideHD58.0
15thSebas, JDevis & Twitty57.6
16thEYEQEW, Ryda & FaZe Booya53.4
17thTriumphant, LilxMario & KnownConvict52.4
18thDV, AlmightyTJ & Ripper51.4
19thStellarMoves, WiLLy TeeD & ST51.2
20thBonq, yeet & FutureHasGame51.0
21stinno, ClassicPain & Zepti51.0
22ndRoyalize, Falnets & Devо50.8
23rdValNukez, Clumziy & Lanez49.8
24thGrev, BeamArk & Casper49.4
25th3eck, Youavs & Gangstaz47.2

EU LCQ top 25 standings – July 26

RankTeamScore (* indicates map victory)
FirstShuKz, PaceTG7 & Melvn116.4*
Second火箭, Zachar & M00RPHEU114.4**
ThirdInfernal, PSC Cong & breelloo84.4
FourthUser94297115, User32891798 & xSw33zy81.8
FifthCzathu, Cissty & Rakezz81.2
SixthTheAkittaja, xRanjito & kingbenji80.2
SeventhPeati, Fluxury & Qwiker78.8*
EighthPelle981ピ, MAZE Itajiu & SniperPigna75.6
NinthScufology, satyr & SharpyD72.6
10thMAZE Raz, MAZE Diixblo & MAZE zGhoul70.0
11thProErsiin, Dekii & NoVaa66.2
12thBEGROOVY, Robstar & BenOG65.2
13thCPentagon, Fuzzn & KayzahR63.8
14thSplasheD, Diream & Darzity62.6
15thtremzay, Tomor3 & nytr1x v262.4
16thHeyItsAran, iG Lipton & LiaM59.8
17thskimz, JoshiiFM & Bodsyy58.2
19thPunkill, VdatY & Rxnzzo54.8*
20th@Brandonskullz, BistoBob & TranceM52.8
21stV8 ShowStoppxr, Enkeo_ & yulix49.4
22ndBennyCentral, Revolt & Kwrk44.2
23rdOVKL3Y, HamzHaytch & User5476128144.0
24thjaff, PrinceRaso & CALL3M42.4
25thClueh, R e n O & Kramyz42.2

NA Stage Two Final top 25 standings – July 20

RankTeamScore (* indicates map victory)Prize
FirstTOMMEY, Almond & Newbz140.4*$30,000
SecondOMiT Adrian, Aydan & Rated102.4$21,000
Thirdbbreadman, Lymax & JoeWo102.2$16,000
Fourthskullface, soka & OMiT Mayappo101.8$13,000
FifthpicNICK, Nickool & ShadowWag101.2$10,000
SixthEnvader, Huntisity & Sway96.8$8,000
SeventhVonbot, Dongy & Knofoe96.2*$7,000
EighthEbatez, zSmit & Djmas94.0$6,000
NinthaHTracT-, iSmixie & Flxnked92.4*$5,000
10thSuperEvan, zColorss & FaZe Doozy80.2*$4,500
11thBiffle, Shifty & OMiT Sage77.6$4,000
12thClutchBelk, ZLaner & Destroy74.6$3,500
13thOMiT Tenux-, Jtecc & elolam69.0$3,000
14thFinessen, Braxtvn & Empathy64.8$2,750
15thScriptehh, Sherro & Little J63.6$2,500
16thyeet, FutureHasGame & Bonq63.4$2,250
17thReedr, Authorized & Luvey62.6$2,000
18thIntechs, BuLieVe & blaztcitys61.6$1,750
19thJCBABY, OakBoi & AlmightyTJ60.4$1,500
20thStrixy, ttv jonnybro23 & HeycHocoLaTe60.2$1,250
21stTappa, Natedoggbeast & FadezIV59.2$1,000
22ndSulitify, EmRias & XenoN58.4$1,000
23rdHusKerrs, UnRationaL & User6922006658.0$1,000
24thinno, ClassicPain & Zepti56.4$1,000
25thprospect, OMiT Otter & ForeignJase54.8$1,000

EU Stage Two Final top 25 standings – July 19

RankTeamScore (* indicates map victory)Prize
FirstJukeyz, Lenun & V8 iVisionSR130.8*$30,000
Secondsavyultras90, BBlade & Waartex124.8**$21,000
ThirdMeekz, Santifyy & BennoJR113.8$16,000
FourthStewo, Patzukka & Enxiun113.2$13,000
FifthFifakill, abWizz & OEKIY112.2$10,000
SixthEcho1867, BubbleCT & tomsterbom82.2**$8,000
SeventhJama, LouiCM & Vapulear81.6$7,000
Eighth2stronkk シ, kubi50 & Solitude80.8$6,000
NinthATLE ItsCored , HalloW & ZaaKK780.2*$5,000
10thAyzenLR, Gromalok & IHEEDZ78.0$4,500
11thkingAJ, Prxdigy & WarsZ75.8$4,000
12thGGunz, Ethanツ & BBlitz75.8$3,500
13thHERETICS METHODZ, CamZzz17 & DagaT171.6$3,000
14thBenzei, stukex & boogs68.8$2,750
15thKlavsen, User86625012 & GoatDJ_66.6$2,500
16thFlexZ, peLuka & TojoR165.6$2,250
17th火箭, Zachar & M00RPHEU65.6$2,000
18thKwrk, BEGROOVY & Robstar64.6$1,750
19thCzathu, Cissty & Rakezz63.8$1,500
20thCPentagon, Fuzzn & KayzahR63.4$1,250
21stUser32891798, xSw33zy & Dandaman3160.2$1,000
22ndControlDec, OMiT Junior & Xamzah56.0$1,000
23rdShuKz, PaceTG7 & Melvn54.8$1,000
24thskimz, Burgzz & JoshiiFM50.0$1,000
25thMAZE Raz, MAZE Diixblo & MAZE zGhoul48.8$1,000

NA Stage Two Qualifier top 25 standings – July 18

RankTeamScore (* indicates map victory)
FirstSulitify, XenoN & EmRias126.2*
SecondSherro, Little J & Scriptehh119.6*
ThirdClassicPain, Zepti & inno95.6*
FourthpicNICK, ShadowWag & Nickool89.4*
FifthV1ncen7, Collect & Validhands87.6
SixthFadezIV, Tappa & Natedoggbeast77.4
SeventhFalnets, Royalize & Devо74.8*
EighthRuss, WiLLy TeeD & StellarMoves67.8
NinthYouavs, Magoo & 3eck64.8
10thTwitty, Lonnerdd & sitrehp59.0
11thxDelski, Tyy & Eyxcel56.8
12thLuvey, Reedr & Authorized56.6
13thMortality, omen & Robbeezzyy54.6
14thTRAV3RSE, Exify & Ahzvm52.8
15thDezmond, NicoInfinite & Braalik52.4
16thsin, Ripper & DV48.8
17thBonq, FutureHasGame & yeet47.4
18thYuhlegit, Clumziy & ony46.4
19thexzachtt, DougisRaw & 0Tyme46.0
20thzTankin, Corazite & KnownConvict45.0
21stmunch, ReXity & Clowhn42.8
22ndomeqa, L↑ckzヅ & Tapify42.6
23rdValNukez, JerKy26 & Lanez42.6
24thBoomKid, Cole & RitualBZ42.6
25thTriumphant, ClayxSD & LilxMario41.8

EU Stage Two Qualifier top 25 standings – July 17

RankTeamScore (* indicates map victory)
FirstFluxuryy, Peatie & Qwiker104.6*
SecondPSC Cong, Infernal & breelloo92.4*
ThirdUser32891798, xSw33zy & Dandaman3191.4*
FourthCPentagon, KayzahR & Fuzzn86.2
FifthKwrky, Robstar & BEGROOVY84.8
SixthN0BU Spartan, BlingCjay & NotBadUncle77.4
SeventhM00RPHEUS, Zachar & 火箭68.4
EighthMAD Lions CRIPER, Xhiet0 & Absolutyy67.2*
Ninthyulix, iG Lipton & LiaM67.0
10thendi_red, DSYRE kyborg & DSYRE Zanx61.6
11thSolitude, kubi50 & 2stronkk シ60.4*
12thGazify, mikegregorTV & Scufology60.0
13thSkillzy, Dapu & Baztardo59.2
14thV1nKub, Riirex & FalaXii56.2
15thTheAkittaja, SharpyD & xRanjito56.0
16thBistoBob, @Brandonskullz & TranceMB55.8
17thSplasheD, Darzity & Diream55.4
18thMiniuwa, HORRID OZZIE & itsWoody54.2
19thPorky, Bodsyy & User8688541253.0
20thTomor36, tremzay & suтyq52.4
21stS7, HamzHaytch & OVKL3Y49.0
22ndKramyz, Clueh & R e n O45.8
23rdVdatY, FlooZii & Lriaa_BDS45.6
24thGGunz, BBlitz & Ethanツ45.4
25thKibeyz, Pelle981ピ & MAZE Itajiu43.6

EU Stage One Final top 25 standings – June 8

RankTeamScore (* indicates map victory)Prize
FirstV8 iVisionSR, Lenun & Jukeyz180.4**$30,000
SecondkingAJ, Prxdigy & WarsZ151.0*$21,000
ThirdGromalok, iheedz & AyzenLR148.0**$16,000
FourthPatzukka, Enxiun & Stewo117.8$13,000
FifthVapulear, JamaFando & LouiCM85.0$10,000
SixthMeekz, BennoJR & Santifyy81.4$8,000
SeventhPaceTG7, ShuKz & Melvn80.8$7,000
EighthNianfo, ShowStoppxr & Fnatic THOMACKY79.6$6,000
NinthEcho1867, tomsterbom & BubbleCT75.6$5,000
10thGazify, MAZE Raz & MAZE zGhoul73.6$4,500
11thCamZzz17, HERETICS METHODZ & DagaT172.2$4,000
12thNoVaa, ProErsiin & Dekii68.0$3,500
13thZaaKK7, natshay & HalloW66.0$3,000
14thabWizz, Fifakill & OEKIY65.6$2,750
15thmoetyl, satyr & Mubisti60.4$2,500
16thR1sWay, RECO Valvn & ZZite59.6*$2,250
17thGoatDJ_, ilgooy & Klavsen57.8$2,000
18thBenzei, boogs & stukex55.2$1,750
19thBennyCentral, Primzvh & Robstar55.0$1,500
20thpeLukaa, TojoR18 & FlexZ54.8$1,250
21stWaartex, savyultras90 & BBlade54.6$1,000
22ndskimz, Burgzz & JoshiiFM54.6$1,000
23rdCissty, Rakezz & Czathu53.8$1,000
24thBenOG, Cam & HeyItsAran53.0$1,000
25thOMiT Junior, Xamzah & ControlDec52.2$1,000

NA Stage One Final top 25 standings – June 7

RankTeamScore (* indicates map victory)Prize
FirstOMiT Adrian, Aydan, and Rated132.6*$30,000
SecondAlmond, TOMMEY, and Newbz121.6$21,000
ThirdHusKerrs, S c u m m N, and UnRationaL120.6*$16,000
FourthShifty, skullface, and soka114.4*$13,000
FifthRyda, @Arrayyz, and EYEQEW112.8*$10,000
SixthLocksteel, Juju 乂, and TD Deniro104.8$8,000
SeventhLymax, JoeWo, and bbreadman102.2$7,000
EighthOMiT Mayappo, ForeignJase & OMiT Otter96.0$6,000
NinthKnofoe, Dongy, and Vonbot93.8$5,000
10thClamp, OMiT Sage, and Biffle93.6$4,500
11thEbatez, zSmit, and Djmas91.6$4,000
12thJtecc, elolam, and OMiT Tenux-81.0$3,500
13thSebas, JDevise, and MrDaft80.2$3,000
14thZLaner, ClutchBelk, and Destroy78.4$2,750
15thJezuzJr, mutex & Braalik76.8$2,500
16thFaZe Doozy (Swagg), zColorss, and SuperEvan72.6$2,250
17thHeycHocoLaTe, Strixy & ttv jonnybro2371.6$2,000
18thColony2k, WatchWaldo, and treq70.8$1,750
19thJCBABY, OakBoi, and AlmightyTJ69.0$1,500
20thFlxnked, iSmixie, and aHTracT-66.8$1,250
21stBraxtvn, Empathy & prospect64.8$1,000
22ndVannucci, @Hollywood & Ju1ceszn63.4$1,000
23rdBuLieVe, blaztcitys & Intechs61.2$1,000
24thEnvader, Finessen & Huntisity55.2$1,000
25thGunplxys, DrDrummer & STUDLIE51.2$1,000

I will keep updating this article as WSOW 2023 continues to progress, including future regional stage finals.

Image of Preston Byers
Preston Byers
Dot Esports associate editor. Co-host of the Ego Chall Podcast. Since discovering esports through the 2013 Call of Duty Championship, Preston has pursued a career in esports and gaming. He graduated from Youngstown State University with a bachelor's degree in journalism in 2021.