Baldur’s Gate 3: How to save Arabella in BG3 – can you stop her going to jail?

Save the girl, save the world? Nothing so dramatic, thankfully.

A party talking to the Druid's at Emerald Grove in Baldur's Gate 3
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No Dungeons and Dragons adventure would be complete, least of all Baldur’s Gate 3, without the need to save an annoying child. This time, the child is called Arabella, and her crime is that she managed to get an entire settlement of Druids mad at her.

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How to save Arabella in Baldur’s Gate 3

To save Arabella you will need to make a series of correct dialogue choices and keep Kagha on your side. When you arrive at Emerald Grove and make your way down into the center of the settlement. You will find a group of “outsiders” arguing with some Druids. You’ll hear them talk about how a child has been taken, and the outsiders want her back. Komira and Locke are the two parents, so chat with them to get the “save Arabella” quest prompt.

After that, walk down the stairs and speak with the Druids. You will get a range of dialogue options depending on your class, but eventually, one of them will whisper to the other, and they will let you through. It turns out you were expected.

Where to find Arabella

The carved stone door in Emerald Grove in Baldur's Gate 3
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Walk to the western side of the Sacred Grove, and you will come to an ornate, carved stone door. Click on this to interact with it and head inside the Emerald Grove. Here, you will find Kagha, the apparent leader of the Druids. She will have a companion named Rath with her, along with her trusty and threatening snake, Teela.

How to stop the snake from biting Arabella

Druid dialog options during the save Arabella quest.
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It seems the punishment that is waiting for Arabella is either imprisonment or a bite from the snake that Kagha keeps with her. It is important here to know that you have to do something. If you do nothing while people argue, eventually, Arabella will try to run and be bitten by the snake.

Druids will have the easiest time here, as an impressive suite of dialogue options will be available. I would suggest selecting the first available option for you, which should be to say that “The girl is no threat. Jailing her disrupts the balance.” The difficulty roll here should be +10, and you will have plenty of modifiers in your favor.

For all other classes, pick the option that gives you the best chance of success, and consider using Gale if you have found that companion, as he will have a strong bonus on these roles. Either way, it boils down to a Nature or Persuasion save. Do not draw your weapons or start a fight. It simply isn’t worth the overall impact on the story.

What happens if you save Arabella

If you save the child, talk with Kagha, and are tasked with helping protect the outsiders, but you cannot change her mind and allow them to stay at that point in time. Return to Arabella’s parents and speak with them, and you will receive Komira’s Amulet. This will allow you to cast the Dancing Lights cantrip.

What happens if Arabella dies

Komira's Locket in Baldur's Gate 3
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Once again, speak with Kagha. It doesn’t really matter how this conversation goes; your task is the same, to see that the outsiders leave and are protected. Return to the child’s parents, and they will first not believe what you are telling them, but will eventually accept the cruel fate that has befallen their daughter.

Image of Aidan O'Brien
Aidan O'Brien
A massive gaming fan, Aidan has been bad at esports since before it had a name. Known for haunting Quake and Unreal Tournament servers back in the day, he graduated to being bad at Brood War before moving on to becoming a terrible ADC in any MOBA that will have him. He spends too much time in Warframe and Destiny 2, and is eyeballing Marathon like a starving man looking at a sandwich.