Baldur’s Gate 3: How to beat Fezzerk in BG3

This one's a wild ride.

Image displays Fezzerk, a goblin located in Blighted Village.
Goblin Bully by day, Boy-Band Singer by night. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

The goblin Fezzerk is quite the jerk in Baldur’s Gate 3. He can be found toward the western-most portion of Blighted Village, which is likely one of the first zones you will be exploring.

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Once you find Blighted Village, northwest of the Mind Flayer Crash Site, you will find Fezzerk tormenting a Deep Gnome tied to a windmill alongside a group of his lackeys. Blighted Village is designed for parties at second or third level and offers a couple of different side quests and unique rewards, but here’s our guide on how to slay Fezzerk.

How to kill Fezzerk in Baldur’s Gate 3

You don’t have to kill Fezzerk to save the Gnome, but… well… he tied a Gnome to a windmill. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he has an absolutely intolerable haircut.

If you choose to fight Fezzerk to rescue the Gnome, you’ll want to be at least level two, preferably level three. Fezzerk himself is a level-three opponent, and he has eight lackeys of first and second level. The most dangerous of these are two Worgs.

The easiest option for winning this fight is simply to focus all attacks on Fezzerk, as upon being reduced to 5 hit points or less, he will surrender, immediately ending combat and causing all of his lackeys to flee.

At this point, what happens to Fezzerk is between you and the gods… But killing him means you can loot the Very Heavy Greataxe—a fantastic weapon for early game Fighters and Paladins (my fifth-level Karlach is still using it, and yes, I killed/looted the Devil on the Mind Flayer Ship).

The Greataxe grants an ability that lets you attack multiple targets without sacrificing any damage, but leaves you Off Balanced, meaning you must pass a Strength Saving Throw to avoid being knocked prone the next time you are attacked.

Displays the description for the item "Very Heavy Greataxe in Baldur's Gate 3.
A great weapon for Fighters and Barbarians. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

If you’d rather kill Fezzerk’s whole party for extra XP, we recommend starting with the Goblin Trackers and Sharp-Eye, who will be stationed atop rocks on the right and left sides of the battle. The trackers only have seven hit points each but can do some serious damage with their bows if not dealt with quickly.

How to beat Fezzerk without killing him in Baldur’s Gate 3

If the haircut doesn’t push you over the edge like it did us, you have a couple of different options to end this encounter without bloodshed. First off, you can simply accept Fezzerk’s surrender after injuring him. Combat can be avoided altogether, though.

There are multiple different dialogue routes that can avoid bloodshed via Persuasion or Intimidation. If you also want to save the Deep Gnome, you can pass a Wisdom Check to use your parasite to convince Fezzerk to leave.

Displays dialogue options during a conversation with Fezzerk in Blighted Village.
He’s not worth a Gnome’s weight in gold. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

How to rescue the Deep Gnome in Blighted Village in Baldur’s Gate 3

After getting through Fezzerk, you can save the Gnome on the windmill. Simply enter the windmill, and pull the brake lever within. Make sure you pull the correct lever on the left, as the other lever, labeled Brake Release Lever, will do exactly what you’re probably expecting it would do. Sparing the gritty details, the Gnome does not survive if you pull the Brake Release Lever.

Displays the option to pull the "Brake" Level inside the Windmill in Blighted Village.
Pull this lever, NOT the other one. Screenshot by Dot Esports.
Image of Pierce Bunch
Pierce Bunch
Freelance writer and jack-of-all-games.