Gamescom Invitational 2015 Results

Not only did Gamescom feature a stunning announcement of a $1,000,000 Halo 5 tournament called the "Halo World Championship", it was also the location of the first invitational and pre-launch event for the game.

The Halo World Championship, the Next Step

Today at Gamescom it was announced that the next step in the Halo Championship Series, a league that has run since the launch of the Master Chief Collection, would take the form of a new tournament known as The Halo World Championship.

HCS Season 2 Finals Results

The second season of the HCS is officially over. After four months since Iron Games Atlanta we're finally here at the HCS Season 2 Finals.

Rivals of Aether EVO Results

Although not in an official capacity Rivals of Aether, the new Smash-esque fighting game, was present at Evolution 2015. The tournament was rather small, but what can you expect from a game that still hasn't even been fully released?

Preparing for the HCS Season 2 Finals

This weekend, from July 24th to July 26th, we'll see the end of the second season of the Halo Championship Season. It will also most likely be the last we'll see of Halo 2 Anniversary, although you can never know for sure.