Goonjar Parts Ways With Rise Nation

After a very long stay with Team Kaliber (1.5 years most recently), Goonjar was released from the team on the day Season 3 of the MLG Pro League started.

MLG Pro League Season 3, Week 1 Recap

The first week of Season 3 of the MLG Call of Duty Pro League has been completed. This season, 4 matches are played every night and no team plays more than 1 per night. All matches can be viewed live on

Doesplay 10K Gold Coast LAN and Pro Series Season 2

INTRODUCTION We would like to introduce the Doesplay Pro Series Season 2. The format for the Pro Series is largely unchanged aside from a massive prize injection and the way the qualifying night comps are run.

A Preview to Season 3 of the MLG Pro League

The third and final season of Major League Gaming's Call of Duty Pro League for Advanced Warfare is set to begin on Monday, June 29th. In the league, twelve of the best teams from North America are participating.

MLG Relegation Tournament: The Experience

This past weekend, Major League Gaming held their Season 3 Relegation Tournament in which 16 teams were attempting to qualify for the Call of Duty Pro League. We wrote about the results of the tournament previously.

Isolation Empire Win S3 Relegation Tournament

The very first Relegation Tournament for Major League Gaming's Pro Call of Duty League has come to an end. There were 16 teams in attendance vying for a total of 4 spots in Season 3 of the league.

Black Ops 3 Multiplayer First Look

The Black Ops 3 Multiplayer gameplay was revealed today at E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) at an unexpected time: Sony's portion of the conference.