Griefers and Cheaters: It Sucks Part 1

To define griefer, as it is not a proper real life term: griefing is an offense that can be reported in CS:GO. These are people who mic spam (a separate category for that, but they overlap), kill you, and refuse to cooperate with the team.Sorry to see

Korea Must Win MSI

Don't get me wrong people. I love Chinese LoL and watch it whenever I can, but they can't win. The Korean team must win MSI now, after IEM, in order for the good of humanity. Okay, maybe a little bit exaggerated.

The Disappointment of the OGN

Jin Air has only been able to win 2 games, one series, a surprisingly terrible performance. This win was picked up Friday against CJ Entus who had switched out Madlife for Max and pulled Ambition out for Trick.