Armored Core 6 PvP guide: 5 tips to winning AC6 PvP matches

A quick and simple guide to be the best mech-fighter in any lobby.

Tank Build Watching Explosion in Armored Core 6
Screenshot by Dot Esports

So, you’ve built the perfect mech in Armored Core 6 (AC6) and have the itch to show off your combat skills against more than just the entire armies that you fight in the main campaign? Sounds like you’re ready for some PvP.

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Here are some quick and easy tips to transition your combat from the main game to online multiplayer and thrash your competition in AC6.

How to win PvP matches in Armored Core 6

Gain the high ground

Since most AC6 matches come down to who can evade the enemy’s line of fire better, it’s important to maximize your mobility. Being in the air gives you a lot more to work with than the ground since it allows you to control both your horizontal and vertical spacing. Not to mention, it’s a lot easier to shoot down than up, so your bullets are going to be hitting more than your opponent’s.

Use your boost

Not only does it look cool–it’s extremely effective in combat. Boosting allows you to change your momentum on the fly, allowing you to engage and disengage at will and throwing your opponent off guard. The harder you are to predict, the harder you are to pin down. Evasive maneuvers are key to creating an advantageous position.

Survey the landscape

Remember: you’re not fighting in an empty space. There are hills, buildings, and walls that obstruct the opponent’s view and can provide you life-saving cover. In addition to your movement, check for any land features that could serve as a tactical option, perhaps by escaping from the enemy’s sights and flanking them from elsewhere.

Play at your AC’s optimal range, not your opponent’s

If you’re a sword user and your opponent has machine guns, it’s up to you to close the gap. And if your opponent uses shotguns and you’re wielding linear rifles, your priority will be keeping your opponent at a distance. Once they demonstrate their arsenal to you, that should give you a clue as to what range they’re going to want to play at. From there, you can make it your sworn duty to avoid playing into their game and instead force the situation that works best for you.

Use the best builds for the job

It’s pretty obvious, but in a mech-building game, you’re going to want to do it right. Make sure your AC isn’t overburdened or experiencing an EN shortfall. And of course, make sure the stats and your mech complement the weapons that you’re building it with. As funny as it might be to build a slow, clunky tank that wields two blades, you’re probably not going to get that many kills with it. Then again, maybe it’s worth it for a challenge run.

Now that you’re ready for PvP, you can hop online and demonstrate why your mech is superior.

Image of Eddie Halpin
Eddie Halpin
My name is Eddie Halpin and I've been competing in Super Smash Bros. Melee tournaments since 2016. I love everything Nintendo and FGC.