Armored Core 6: How to beat the independent mercenary Raven in AC6

The original Raven wants his callsign back.

A menu screen from Armored Core 6.
This raven's about to get his wings clipped. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

When you start Armored Core 6 you pick the name “Raven” off a destroyed AC. The thing is, the pilot is still alive and wants his callsign back. This is a tougher one-on-one AC6 engagement but it’s not impossible.

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Best build to beat Raven in AC6

The original Raven pilots a medium build AC with the songbird heavy shoulder cannon, a six-cell missile launcher, the Turner autocannon and the PB-033M Ashmead melee weapon. He also has a pulse shield that he can trigger which will cause you damage if you’re caught in the blast it creates.

You’ll want to keep your distance as both the pulse and the Ashmead do a good amount of damage. We don’t recommend you use melee weapons yourself as this will bring you too close to him.

As far as your build goes we suggest the following:

A menu screen from Armored Core 6.
You’ll need every ounce of DPS.
  • The DF-GA HU-BEN gattling gun
  • the HML G2/P19MLT-04 missile launcher
  • the Vvc-703PM three cell plasma missile launcher
  • the Songbirds heavy shoulder cannon

See the screenshot above for our AC build parts or check out our in-depth guide for the full breakdown.

Don’t ever stop shooting that gattling gun

Two mechs do battle in Armored Core 6.
Incoming! Screenshot by Dot Esports.

The gattling gun will give you a steady stream of fire so don’t take your finger off the trigger for the entire fight. Raven will launch missiles and fire his Songbirds at every opportunity so keep dodging; it’s the only way to keep your health up.

One very important thing to keep in mind for this fight is Raven can use repair kits. We haven’t encountered any other enemies that can heal themselves so, no, it’s not a bug when you see their health bar recover. They may be able to repair but they’re not invincible. Just keep dodging, firing, and hitting him with your Songbirds when he staggers.

Use your Songbirds and AOE attacks

Two mechs do battle in Armored Core 6.
Death from above. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

One tactic we used with good effect is to boost up above Raven and fire your Songbirds down at him. The splash damage is significant enough that even an indirect hit is enough to subtract a good amount of health from his bar.

Two mechs do battle in Armored Core 6.
Plasma missiles for the win. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

As you glide back down, fire your plasma missiles as these too have an area of effect and will deal splash damage. Raven moves pretty fast so getting a perfect lock on him will be tricky. Utilizing area-of-effect attacks will help give you the edge.

And the winner is…

Two mechs do battle in Armored Core 6.
There can only be one. Screenshot by Dot Esports.

It’ll be a tough fight but there can only be one Raven. This was by far the closest margin of victory for us but it doesn’t matter how many health points you have left if your AC6 enemy has zero. And yes, we are drilling his smoking wreckage with bullets for good measure. Better to be extra sure he doesn’t come back again.

Image of Alexander Eriksen
Alexander Eriksen
Alex is a seasoned games journalist covering business, news, and guides for Dot Esports.