Armored Core 6: Best build to beat the ENFORCER in AC6


The wreck of a huge mech in Armored Core 6.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

The ENFORCER is not as tough as he looks in Armored Core 6. He’s got a particular weakness to high explosives and is as slow as a snail on valium. To beat this oversized security guard you’ll need a build beefy enough to pack the firepower you’ll need, but light enough on your feet to stay at arm’s length.

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Lucky for you, after a ton of trial and error, we came across a winning build.


A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
Locked and loaded. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The key to this build is the dual Songbirds on your shoulders. These powerful high explosive cannons each fire two high-speed projectiles. Once hit, the ENFORCER will be staggered and you can rush forward with your pulse blade and give him a good couple of chops.

Here’s a part-by-part breakdown:

Right Arm – MA-T-222 KYORAI

A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
Burn baby burn. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Since most of your weight and EN are going to be taken up by your Songbirds, your primary weapon is going to have to be something compact. We didn’t notice the Kyorai do a ton of damage but almost everything else we tried simply bounced off.

Now, there’s an argument for going with the 4-pack missile launcher, which would do slightly more damage here, however, we found trying to stick our missile lock-ons was a bit of a distraction for this fight.

Left Arm – HI-32: BU-TT/A Pulse Blade

A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
Just look at that bad boy. Screenshot by Dot Esports

If there were an Oscars category for “best melee weapon for a giant fighting robot” then the pulse blade would win. Not only is this one of the single best weapons in the game, it’s absolutely crucial for this fight.

When you stagger the ENFORCER you’ll have a limited window of opportunity to attack. This is when you move in and give him two good slashes from the pulse blade before pulling back to recharge. As a bonus, the pulse blade has a sort of heat-seeking feature that will draw you closer to any enemy in range. This is very helpful here as you’ll need to get closer once he’s stunned.

Shoulders – Songbirds Grenade Cannon

A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
Humongous. Screenshot by Dot Esports

This is the star of this build. Four tubes, four grenades, one really big explosion. The weight of these bad boys is manageable and their power is absolutely devastating. This is what you’ll use to stagger the ENFORCER and open him up to a melee attack.

Head – VE-44A

A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
Does anyone else think it looks like it’s smiling? Screenshot by Dot Esports

We recently upgraded to this head and though it looks like a bucket it’s starting to grow on us. If it is a bucket it’s a bucket made by Mercedes-Benz. It’s a heavyweight part, not something we’d usually use, but you’ll get 1,000 AP from this part alone and not break the bank when it comes to overall weight.

Core – VP-40S

A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
Ol’ reliable. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The VP-40S is one of our go-to cores. Reliable, well-balanced, and useful for a variety of medium weight-builds. The goal is to stay decently below our EN load max to get faster recharges on all of our weapons. By reducing the cool-down time of our Songbirds we can spend less time dodging and more time blasting.


A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
Lightweight = lightspeed. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Now, we can’t afford to be this big, lumbering target when going toe to toe with the ENFORCER. With those cannons on our back, we’ve got to cut some weight from somewhere. Turns out a pair of lightweight arms will do the trick. You won’t be packing any hefty hand weapons anyway so to up our mobility we’re going with these.

Legs – 06-041 Mind Alpha

A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
A solid choice for any medium-weight build. Screenshot by Dot Esports

To lug those cannons on your back around you’re going to need a solid pair of legs. The Mind Alphas are a solid choice for any respectable medium-weight build. We’ll be able to stay within range of both our weight limit and EN threshold.

Boosters – ALULA/21E

A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
Boosted. Screenshot by Dot Esports

For this fight, you’ll do a lot of boosting forward, back, and left and right. You won’t be going vertical since that will only make you a nice, fat target for the ENFORCER’s laser. By keeping things on the ground we keep those nice, snappy dodges coming. Sure, you can dodge while airborne, but you’ll burn through your EN twice as fast.


A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
It looks like an SSD card. Screenshot by Dot Esports

For our fire control system, we went for an up close and personal approach. After all, when you’re right in front of your enemy it’s very hard to miss. And thanks to the devastating power of the Songbirds, a direct hit will lay him out for a good few seconds. So, feel free to jump forward when your guns are charged up a let ’em rip.

Generator – DF-GN-08 SAN-TAI

A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
Max capacity. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The San-Tai is perfect for this build as it’ll give us faster recharge and a larger total number of dodges. This combo is what we’ll need to dip and dodge around the ENFORCER’s ranged attacks and also get our Songbirds reloaded and ready for the next salvo.

Expansion – Pulse Armor

A menu screen in Armored Core 6.
Expand yourself. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Expansions are a nice add-on for builds but aren’t, in our experience, a crucial piece of the puzzle to beating any particular boss or level. It does come in handy as a kind of insurance policy should you make one too many mistakes. The pulse armor activates on your command and creates a bubble of energy around your AC. It lasts about 30 seconds, less if you’re taking incoming fire.

And there you have it, the build to take on the ENFORCER. Just remember to stagger him with your Songbirds and he’ll be knocked out in no time.

For help with the fight itself, check out our ENFORCER guide.

Image of Alexander Eriksen
Alexander Eriksen
Alex is a seasoned games journalist covering business, news, and guides for Dot Esports.