Starfield devs have reportedly delivered on their huge ‘fewest bugs’ promise

At least it'll be better than Redfall.

An astronaut staring up at a planet with a ring in Starfield
Image via Bethesda

One of the biggest questions surrounding Starfield before its launch has been about whether it will be another bug-filled game that will break every time you play.

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However, early signs from creators and insiders alike suggest developers Bethesda may have actually done it—it’s looking like Starfield may be one of the studio’s least buggy games.

Starfield is one of the most-hyped games for 2023, as it’s the first new universe from Bethesda games in a quarter of a century and has been in development for 10 years. Unfortunately, it seems as if games are launching with more and more bugs, and players have become so skeptical of titles that they won’t preorder them. Instead, they’d rather wait to see how bad the bugs are before buying it or waiting for something else.

In a bid to allay those fears, Matt Booty, head of Xbox Games Studios, claimed a few weeks ago that Starfield will have “the fewest bugs of all Bethesda games” and that the devs had been working tirelessly to test every part to ensure the title is ready for launch.

Especially given how big of a flop Redfall was, many have been questioning if the Starfield devs really are up to chopping down every bug, or if it will be just as glitch—or worse, if that’s possible. However, Tyler McVicker, a games journalist who played Starfield early, mentioned in Discord that after 15 hours, he hadn’t encountered any bugs.

That seems like a stretch because no game is truly free from bugs, but it may be he didn’t encounter a bug that really broke his game, or any blatantly obvious ones.

Tom Henderson at Insider Gaming also stated his sources claim Starfield has very few bugs, and any they experienced will be addressed quickly.

Related: Will there be a day one patch for Starfield?

Considering Bethesda’s recent history with big and small releases alike, it’s a relief to know Starfield will have fewer bugs than their previous titles, but that isn’t to say they don’t have any. Thankfully, the bugs they do have aren’t breaking the game. All that being said, we won’t know how true this all is until we play Starfield on Sept. 6.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews is a staff writer for Dot Esports with a dual degree in business and human resource management. After discovering her passion for creative writing and gaming, she now writes about MOBAs, MMOs, and cozy games.