What is the difference between Dozing, Slumbering, and Snoozing in Pokémon Sleep?

Collect 'em all.

Three sleep styles in Pokemon Sleep are showcased.
Image via Pokemon Company

Pokémon Sleep is here and is keen to classify us all into three different types of sleep and label us as heathens if we snooze or sleep talk.

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Outside of that though, each sleep type is actually incredibly important to how the game is played, with a lot of mechanics locked behind the three types—Dozing, Slumbering, and Snoozing.

In fact, some Pokémon can only be found behind certain sleep types. Bulbasaur can only be found through Dozing, Charmander through Snoozing, and Squirtle through Slumbering as an example of the over hundred Pokémon available. This makes knowing how to get each sleep type essential to completing the Sleep Dex and the Pokédex as a whole.

Here’s each different Sleep type, as well as what you need to do, or what can you do, to get the one you want during a sleep session. If you plan to actually sleep or cheese the game to think you are sleeping.

How to get the Dozing Pokémon Sleep Type Pattern in Pokémon Sleep

The Dozing pattern mainly revolves around three different things.

You’ll get the Dozing pattern if you tend to sleep talk, move around a lot in your sleep, or in general make a lot of noise while sleeping. This doesn’t include snoring, which has its own type later on, but we are talking more about sleepers who toss and turn a lot or have a lot of noise surrounding them.

If you’re trying to get Dozing Pokémon when you’re not sleeping, you can counteract this by placing your device in an area that has a lot of noise or activity. Obviously, not something that has too much noise though.

How to get the Slumbering Pokémon Sleep Type Pattern in Pokémon Sleep

Slumbering is the obvious sleep type and once again falls into three distinct categories.

You’ll be classed as a Slumbering Sleep Type if you sleep through the night without waking up, making no noise or little noise, and essentially are as quiet as a mouse. This makes it tricky to get at times because not everyone can have peaceful sleep and the app is quick to register any type of noise whether it’s from you or something else in the room.

Some ways around this are to place your smartphone face down when sleeping so the microphone doesn’t catch all the noise you make, or placing your smartphone in an enclosed room and leaving it to itself when someone actually isn’t sleeping to trick the game into thinking you’re having a peaceful sleep.

How to get the Snoozing Pokémon Sleep Type Pattern in Pokémon Sleep

The Snoozing sleep pattern is arguably one of the most common types everyone will get just because of the things it listens out for.

To be a Snoozer, you need to be making a reasonable amount of noise through the night either by snoring or fidgeting, moving little and often, or making a lot of moans and groans. This pretty much falls into most people and is likely the sleeping type you will get the most.

If somehow you don’t get this ever, though, some ways around it is to place the phone into an area that is mildly noisy or even have it on if you work in an office environment where the tapping of the keys might be able to be classed as mild noise. Essentially any place where there’s some noise, but no place that has people talking constantly or moving about a lot.

Image of Adam Newell
Adam Newell
Assigning Editor. In 2015, Adam graduated from the University of Aberystwyth with a bachelor's in Media and Communications. Working in the industry for over ten years. If it has anything to do with Nintendo and Pokémon chances are you will see me talking about it, covering, and likely not sleeping while playing it.