How to fast travel in Redfall

Get around the map much quicker

Provided by EA

Redfall features two different maps players can play through during their time with the game. The first map is called Redfall Commons, and it’s where players will be introduced to the many characters and mechanics of Redfall. This includes a fast travel system which is fully functioning and available from the very beginning.

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However, there are some nuances with the fast travel system players should be aware of before they are caught in a sticky situation. To learn how to fast travel and everything else about the system in Redfall, check out our guide below.

Using the fast travel system in Redfall

You can technically fast travel right after you have completed the introductory sequence in Redfall that has you saving civilians from a vampire at the fire station. To fast travel in Redfall, all you need to do is open up your map and then select a destination icon.

Not all locations on your map can be fast traveled to, so you will need to keep that in mind. You can only fast travel to the fire station, safehouses, and historical markers you discover around Redfall. The game will let you know whether or not you can fast travel to a certain destination by marking it on the map.

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One of the major caveats to the fast travel system is you cannot use it when you are currently engaged with an enemy. For example, if you pull out your map to fast travel and your character is in the process of doing so but you get hurt by an enemy, the fast travel process will stop. Also, you cannot fast travel during Rook Storms, which are indicated by the sky turning red and red-colored lightning cracking the ground.

Rook Storms occur when you have killed too many enemies or completed enough missions. During a Rook Storm, a Rook vampire will hunt you down. The storm will not stop until you dispatch the Rook and drive a stake through its heart.

Other than that, though, you can fast travel whenever you want in Redfall. The game will also give you the option to fast travel to a safe area after completing a quest.

Image of Joey Carr
Joey Carr
Joey Carr is a full-time writer for multiple esports and gaming websites. He has 6+ years of experience covering esports and traditional sporting events, including DreamHack Atlanta, Call of Duty Championships 2017, and Super Bowl 53.