Report: Golden Guardians complete roster, sign Hai and Contractz

The two will reunite after a year apart.

Photo via Riot Games

Golden Guardians look keen to enter the NA LCS with an all-North American roster, according to a report by ESPN.

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Golden Guardians have finalized the signing of Samson “Lourlo” Jackson, Juan “Contractz” Arturo Garcia, Hai Du Lam, Matthew “Deftly” Chen, and Matthew “Matt” Elento. While Hai and Deftly were signed normally as free agents, Golden Guardians needed to buy out the contracts of Lourlo, Matt, and Contractz from Team Liquid, and Cloud9 respectively.

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While the additions of Lourlo and Matt come as no surprise due to Team Liquid’s recent signing of Kim “Olleh” Joo-sung and Jung “Impact” Eon-yeong, Contractz’s departure from Cloud9 is unexpected to say the least. One of the top junglers in North America, Contractz was arguably Cloud9’s best performing player at this year’s World Championship. And being a North American native, Contractz holds a lot of value as he doesn’t take up an import slot.

After being apart for the entire 2017 season, Hai and Contractz will reunite if this ESPN report is true. The two played together on Cloud9’s challenger roster during the 2016 NACS Summer Season. There, Hai and Contractz played an integral role in the challenger roster’s advancement into the NA LCS.

Golden Guardians has yet to release any official information on its NA LCS roster.

Image of Malcolm Abbas
Malcolm Abbas
Really like esports.